
Jul 12, 2007
The Mines of Moria (middle earth)
Hey guys I have an A2 with the white LED the question is how come the main bulb is not working?? we checked the batt and its ok we checked the bulb itself and it seems like the filament is in perfect condition. The torch itself is bareley used, and i checked if it is sitting properly and it is. Pls help. Thanks
I can think of a couple possibilities.

Your tailcap is loose. Tighten it fully and the incandescent bulb should illuminate. Then loosen it just to the point where the LEDs are no longer on, at that point you an use the tail button to engage the LEDs (light press) or the incandescent (full press).

Your batteries are weak. The A2 doesn't give any warning about low batteries. It just stops the incandescent bulb. My old A2 drops the output before it hits the shutoff threshold, but my 2 "modern" ones do not, they simply shut off. Also important to note that testing battery voltage while resting is not a good indicator of the battery's performance under load.

Your bulb could be burned out. Very doubtful with the time you claim is on it, but is possible. Remove it and inspect. Be sure to clean it with high-percentage isopropyl alcohol after handling the bulb to remove the oil your fingers leave behind.

Good Luck!
Either the batteries are close to empty. Or the globe is dead. insert NEW batteries first. if you have no joy there replace the globe (or find a strion lamp holder for the A2 which doubbles you output!! (loss in runtime too)
The improvement in beam quality is very noticable.
Have a look around the BST forum for new and used A2 globes.
I've had a contact problem with my spare MA02 lamp assembly. The center contact wasn't raised enough to touch the contact in the body. Check if there is continuity in your bulb with a DMM, replace batteries and try another bulb. If nothing works contact SF. If you have a lamp assembly with a bad contact problem, SF will probably replace it for free.