Accidentally touched inner side of reflector - is it damaged?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 13, 2011
Hello, I just received the M20 S2 special operation, btw great light:thumbsup:.

The seller gave me also the optional smooth reflector and while replacing it I accidentally touched :eek: with one finger the inner side of the OP origianally installed in the torch.

I have read that this is bad and the reflector will be damaged forever after this. Apparently the reflector is not damaged, I tried to install it again and everything seems to work. Will I see the damage in future? What is the problem with touching exactly? Now the "touched" reflector is in the box because I'm using the smooth, but it would be a pity to lose it, also it is difficult to buy a new one because only the smooth seems to be sold as accessory, the op seems only provided with the torch itself.

Thanks for any advice and explanation.:wave:
Relax, relax... :)

It is only damaged, if there is physical damage. The reflective coating is very fragile. As long as you didn't chip or scratch the surface coating, you have nothing to worry about. Chances are you have done nothing now - and probably won't see any problems later either.
If your finger was oily, it might leave a stain on the reflector, but that would be about it. Since it's an OP reflector, I wouldn't even be concerned as you probably can't even see it.