Was wondering witch one of these lights candle power forums users would rather own.I am considering both and would apprieciate some feedback.
+1What is the application? It's kinda hard to understand from ur post? There are few HID's with over 1000 lumens that can be looked at directly so blinding someone is a relatively easy task with any HID today.
The bulb color of the MF3500 is not as white as the Xenide but I would say they are close in lumens output with the MF3500 slightly brighter. I would say the Xenide is slightly brighter then my PL24. My PL24 is noticably less bright then my MF3500 so I cant really see the Xenide being a brighter light by any means. Even if the MF lumens are overated (which they are). The 3500 lumen rating is still brighter then the Xenide's 1500 lumens (which is probably pretty close to a true rating). I find it hard to belive that the MF's lumen rating is off by 2000 lumens.
You could probably fit (2) MF3500's in a one Xenide. The MF3500 weights about a pound and feels it. The Xenide is quite a large item. It's 13.5 inches vs. 10 inches for the MF3500 and weighs almost twice as much and is much thicker around the handle. Personally I would get the MF3500 over the Xenide in a heartbeat! And not because I own a MF but because I own an AE as well. I do like the on/off button better on the Xenide tho.
But lets face it, it doesn't come with a "Shoulder Strap" as a standard feauture because it is a small light....:thinking: A spare MF battery could be carried in ones pocket and still hike up a mountain. A spare Xenide battery will need some type of backsac of some sort. Ur certainly not fitting that in ur back pocket. Just my $.02.... Two each his own.
I just want a awesome flashlite to beat all lights.incase some crooks or tweakers are sneaking around my two acres in the middle of the night would be nice to stop them like a deer in the headlights!im thinking amondotech n30 might be the ticket for me.Im just wanting the next version of that sweet little light.I think there making improvements on it.Like water resistant and lithion ion or least i hope they are?:thinking:
No i have not got the AE yet? thinking about the amondotech n30! hope your not wanting to sell me the one you talked about dropping several times:naughty:
Thanx for your info that settels it im going for the AE :thumbsup:
No i have not got the AE yet? thinking about the amondotech n30! hope your not wanting to sell me the one you talked about dropping several times:naughty:
I wonder what polarion use's for there instant strike hid's must be a costly option though. Wish they all fired like the polarion helio's!even if they reached full bore in a few seconds that would be good. But 20 30 seconds i don't like that.:candle:thats why im hoping for a thousand plus lumen LED now that would be sweet! not to large and excellent throw and maybe strobe or something.