I have the Sharp Plasmacluster and I highly recommend it! FX-60 is the model I have and the main hepa filter is ''suppose'' to last 5 years. In front of it theres a large bag of carbon granules (Like the ones u stick in fish tank filters) and a screen prefilter. The amount of dirt that is removed from the air amazing!
I leave it on all the time, it is very efficient using 4watts on silent and 50 on max compared to the large Honeywell ones that use 150+ watts. On silent it is truly silent. At that mode it moves about as much as an Ionic Breeze.
Whats also cool about it is the auto mode with visual LED display. Green for clean, orange for dirty, red for really dirty. No gimmick, when my gf starts cooking it goes from green to orange and speeds up the filter. When I cut the cheese in front of it, it goes from green to red and goes into plasmacluster mode. No joke! If you have to do it, do it in front of this thing!