Aleph Heads. Vital Gear bodies.???????????


Newly Enlightened
Apr 10, 2003
Utah, USA
I have tried but never seen an area on the Sandwich Shoppe where one can simply buy a complete Aleph1,2,3 head with a LE in it allready.

Do you half to contact them and specify what you want(head and light engine)how do you know the prices?

Also,who carries Vital Gear bodies for sale in their inventory.The only ones I have seen have been for sale by individuals? How about Barlog bodies?

Any help would be much appreciated.
Re: Aleph Heads. Vital Gear bodies.

I found 'em... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/nana.gif

Go to Yamaguchi Consulting >>> "Shop Now!" >>>> "Completed Assemblies"

This is a direct link to the page: Completed Assemblies.

I believe that they're closed for the Shot Show, so it may take 'em a couple of days for you to contact them (if nessassary).

P.S. It looks like the Aleph 1 and 2's are still on sale! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/happy14.gif
Re: Aleph Heads. Vital Gear bodies.

Thanks Lazer but I just want to buy the head and light engine,not a whole light.

Anybody Know who sells Vital Gear bodies?
Re: Aleph Heads. Vital Gear bodies.

Yep, Surefireparts is the place for them. This outfit is ran by John, who happens to be a first class guy. He not only sells the Vital Gear bodies, but sells individual SureFire pieces as well (spares, projects, etc.)

Re: Aleph Heads. Vital Gear bodies.

Surefireparts is JCCIV in CPF

You can probably PM JCCIV and ask if they are available. John is a first class seller, i totally recommend him.
Contact John Crighton at [email protected]

As mentioned ealier in this thread, his company is called Surefireparts. He has an Ebay store. He's the Vital Gear distributor for the US, I believe. I think he also has the occasional Aleph part or two.

FWIW, I've just started doing business with him and I probably won't even consider another vendor regardless of price (even though he prices pretty competitively), unless he absolutely can't give/get me what I want. His shipping charges are also FAIR--(compared to many who must make a fortune on the exorbitant shipping rates they charge). I would wholeheartedly add my recommendation to those above.
Due to the remarks on surefireparts business practices, this morning I purchased a Vital Gear FB1 1x132 body. Seems like a nice piece for the price. Really like how compact it is. When I first checked his listings out Saturday, there were about 15 total to be had. If I understand correctly, only five were left.

Thanks for the input guys!

I think you'll be happy with Surfireparts Niteowl.

BTW, he shoulda had only about 4 of the FB1 bodies--I ordered one Saturday nite! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
John is the guy to buy Vital Gear stuff from. He's a first class guy. I buy lots of stuff from him and his prices are always, at the least, competitive and the shipments always get here on time.

As for the Aleph heads with light engines, you can always place and order with Don (McGizmo), or contact one of the other builders. Darell, Tylerdurden, and I build them here in the states, and kj builds them in Japan.
I just purchase a Vital Gear FB1 from him. Very nice and efficient to deal with. He must be running out of them soon though. Where does he get them from? Just curious...