Surefire E Heads with Li-ions


Newly Enlightened
Aug 14, 2016
I have done this a few times with varying success. I know it's pushing it and some of them have audibly complained...
Anyone else try it - what are your thoughts?

And like I said i know it's not recommended, so please no replies just to say something like that ;)
Any E heads in particular... or all of them at once? Because some are chemistry agnostic, some tolerate Liion for short periods, and some will fry near-instantly. If you could be more specific, share what you had in mind, your results will be more useful.
An early E1b and one from a 2xAA, that one is in the car right now. Is there a database on this?
I suspect the best an E2L AA head can do is on a single 3V Lithium primary. It's possible a single LiFePO4 may work, but why risk it? (it ~ destroying something valuable and not easily replaced) What is it you hope to accomplish? More light? More runtime? It already runs on 2x NiMH AA and Alkaline AA, and it will work on one CR123A.

Here's one thread on early backups with members discussing using liion. There are likely to be others.

If you can scare up search terms you can find more threads by using the builtin CPF site search or using Google Search by adding "" to the end of the search terms.

But my recommendation is... whatever it is you want, you can find it in another light that is specified for it. A number of other CPF members are cowboys and will have the opposite opinion, to live dangerously, and possibly destroy or damage a valuable classic. But I think if our tools are important to us, we'll diligently take care of them.

Here's some ideas, E Series threaded heads that will run liion in varying voltages. But if you really want to have fun, you can try incan. There are Elite head designer imposters available, also without the hex antiroll. You can try to find Surefire lamps (MN01, MN02, MN03), or Mark has decent lamps, but also has LED towers if you just like the beam pattern but don't want to go incan.



I had Vinh mod my E2L AA and DSS heads with 4000K Nichia 219b, then traded them. I hated the Surefire TIR beam profile. I run Surefire Elite heads currently with Surefire MN01 in them. Incan has the benefits of constant current output and 100CRI, perfect color rendition. Surefire, iirc, uses constant current circuits in their LED heads, but also some of the worst LED color temperatures and color rendition ever conceived, which is a shame. But the LEDs can be swapped for something warmer and high CRI by experts like Vinh.

I was lucky enough to get some Tad Customs E Sockets, and any E1ish lights I have run Tad's lamps, such as A3712, 3.7V 1.2A 80Lm, or A3718, 3.7V 1.8A 140Lm. Couldn't be happier with the brightness, color rendition and color temperature. If I need more brightness, I'll use another light with 1200Lm WA1185 or 1000Lm FM1794. And I learned the hard way not to EDC Surefire, lost a cherry E1e-BK. I'll EDC a 475Lm 4000K Zebralight SC5c Mk II when I'm off the property. I'd hate to lose it, too, but it would't hurt as bad as that E1e, and it's a light for all other occasions.
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Alrighty good advice and info! The 2xAA head was just example. I just wondering out loud really but glad I did.
Thanks!! Richard
Please feel free to wonder out loud as much as you like, then wonder some more. We're all wonderers, so you're in good company.
Also I sympathize with losing lights, I had an entire collection stolen. Insurance paid almost nothing. I used to EDC my 49 trit Hanko though, I like it too much to let it sit too much
omg that's horrible. Mine just leapt from my pocket descending a long outdoor staircase in the woods. Stupid Surefire clip. But no one else was involved. Do you think it was a random crime, or do you think they knew what they were taking (as in seen it, knew where and what it was)?
Well it was actually my son. I'm still not sure of his justifications. He took all my lights, guns, and silver. And some electronics. Haven't spoken to him in years after that. We moved away out of fear of what he might do next. Life has been good since then though, with the exception of me being diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer. Life is full of surprises eh?
I'm going to the ER in the morning I think I have some DVT my leg. So if you are inclined to do such things you might mention me in your prayers.
Sorry to dump on you like this!!

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Already done, and for your son, too. DVT can be treated easily enough. For the cancer, you're going to need a lot of positive mental attitude. Bear in mind there have been more advances in medicine in the last 5 years than in all of previous history, and this remains true for every year that passes. And undoubtedly there have been many cases worse than yours that beat it nevertheless.
@LightOne. Be sure to advocate for quality of life, it's up to you to do it. As Chillin says, they have made tremendous advances.
I am headed for radiation treatmen #12 of 28 this morning. PM me if you have questions.
Thanks so much for your concern! I have a spoy that could probably use a good zap. It's trying to get a rib ouchy!!
that one didn`t float my boat at all
I was going to recommend the Spark UBH, but the website is down. It's sort of like a classic E3 body, if such a thing existed, that was it. Comes with dummy cells for several cell configurations, up to 3x CR123A, plus a sleeve for 2xAA. Can see it on Internet Archive. Dang, hope it isn't gone for good. It's really nice hardware. Apparently Tranquility Base, McLux, & DSpeck also made 2AA E Series bodies. McGizmo Ti 2xAA McClickie Pak is available for those that can afford them. Man, you just missed a sale last Thursday for a very low priced E2L AA, two days after you posted here. Where were you!! Bookmark WTS, check it once a day, and save a search on eBay until you see a price you like.
I see one or two of the E2L AA on fleabay but the price is a little on the high side.
I have one or two of the Lumens Factory E2L heads and bodies but for now have moved onto the 6P and 9P sized lights and compatible heads. Just waiting to get a few of the heads modded to something like an SBT90.2 :)

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