2x 18650 P bodies


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 19, 2014
Mobjack Bay
I know Solarforce has (er, had) a 2x 18650 M head C/P tail, the L2-D18, and I know that one can add a cell extender to a bored 9P, or longer extender to bored 6P. But I was curious what extended bodies may have existed that took 2x 18650 with a P head and tail. LeeF made one like that, I think, but I'll never find one. I'm sure fivemega made one, too. But I was curious if any were mass produced with simple round styling and conventional knurling as close to classic Surefire hardware as possible. Collecting information for a future build that I may never get to but really do want.
P head, meaning head threads accept z44/z32.

If it required an adapter, what was it adapting from?

I did an image search, but can't find anything. Overready makes some really neat stuff, but my complaint is the same as any seller that makes a popular product, sells out and never restocks. When making money, keep making money by restocking. Probably doesn't apply to this particular body, but one thing I wish I could purchase is a ZeroRez. They still sell an accessory for one of them, but the ZeroRez has been long gone a very long time. I'm nearly certain that product would probably keep selling forever.
In concept, zerores is compelling. In practice? Got to have the proper length battery with the proper battery contact surface, you ask me. What is great with my setup was the ability for a clean momentary when the tailcap was screwed out into a sweet spot. Building a P-60 flashlight can be a bit titchy in other ways as well, though.

I do not remember the name of the body/head interface but like you said, parts availability has always been an issue. My understanding is money has to be invested, production takes time (plus supply issues) and the numbers are small. More money can be made selling complete flashlights than specialized parts that do not give as rapid return on investment. One opinion.

I have a sweet host with the zerores (though it does not get much use mainly because multi modes work well for our terrain) and a backup. Like so many, rather keep it just in case an application arises.
There was a sale of fivemega 2x18650 bodies in the 2000s that I can't find, a group buy for them here, continued over here, and then moved to the marketplace and oblivion. Here's my wtb if anyone can help me locate one.
as to oveready:
pic of a diamondback (I think that was the name) body.
their special head neede a flat surface of the body and thus an adapter for a P60 insert

2023 01 Oveready 1.jpg
2023 01 Oveready 2.jpg

their special bodies / complete lights - like the fire red or ice blue hosts were great.
actually a body adapter for making a 6P a 2 * 18650 light/host is still available.

... unfortunately, with starting with their overmuch expensive own light engine heads, they stopped being of any use for a modder.
And the actual, lunaticly expensive, Boss lights are just blatanly crazy.
on the other hand I do undertand it, from a commercial perspective. When there really is a market for this, then it for sure is way "better" (for the maker) to sell a single piece of jewelry that also can give light, instead of producing, stocking and finally trying to sell 35 "normal" bodies.
To each his own, but I'm not aesthetically attracted to any of Oveready's original work or style. They appear to me to be different for the sake of being different. It's a tube. You can't compete with the beauty and simplicity of a circle or cylinder. Put diamond knurling on a pipe, thread, anodize, and be done with it.
To each his own. That Oveready body texture has a blend of grip and comfort that is very good, as well as being much more interesting looking than regular knurling that is so often executed poorly.
No offense, but I think its ugly, and I feel about the same about anything much different than a tube with diamond knurling as I feel about crenellations, which nearly everyone seems to love except for me. But the grip is important, and I don't use lights like most that work with them. There is a lot to be said for utility and practicality. Diamond knurling isn't all that grippy unless it is very aggressive, and I don't really care for the overly aggressive knurling as it tends to tear up my hands. Some of fivemega's bodies gave me something like a bleeding rash on my finger tips and palms until I toned down the knurling by rubbing the body against a piece of wood sporadically for a few months. I really like the knurling on LeeF bodies, larger diamond knurling but smoothed dull. I like the knurling on Lumens Factory's Classic E bodies also, not sharp or abrasive. Surefire knurling on E and P bodies and tails I also like. But if your S&R in a swamp, or a firefighter, or on a boat at sea, I would expect extra grippy grips are essential.
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I don't know how I missed the readily available and NIB Malkoff MD4 body. >< If someone can confirm they have C compatible head and tail threads (or is it only tail thread compatible?) and accept 18mm, we definitely have a winner.
OP is awair of this but for anybody else who doesn't:

(A- 2x18650) - - Possible to add 69mm Ex/Cap to your bored out 6P for 2x18650 operation.

(B- 2x26350) - - Also possible to use pair of
26350 cells in a 26650 C head or Cooly for 7.4 volt operation.

(C- 2S/2P 18350) - - Another possibility is
body to use with 2S/2P 18350 cells for 7.4 volt operation.
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I doubt it actually has Surefire compatible threads, but I thought I would add it to the list anyway since it is so inexpensive: the KDLitker E6s (also available on ali as E6 Kit) is a KDLitker E6 host with an EX18 extension tube included, accepts a P60 dropin and 2x 18650 cells. The price is probably impossible to beat. It may come with a reverse clicky switch installed, but there are KDLitker forward clicky replacement switches available, though I am not sure which size works for this host 16mm or 20mm. There's a review at ZeroAir: "the head on this P60 host is not the standard P60 threading. You will not be able to use alternate heads with this host."


It's ugly, but so are you.
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A stylish and more attractive option for a 2x18650 P60 host, which is Surefire thread-compatible, is the Lumens Factory Seraph SP-9 along with a 1 cell extender. Lumens Factory has six LED dropins of various configurations that will work with 2x18650, easily sifted searching the site for "3.6V-13V." But I personally find the D26 incan options that drive on 2xLiion more interesting,

Beyond a couple LED options for mini turbo head format, a matching D36 head for Seraph is also available for which Lumens Factory sells a nice selection of D36 lamp modules that will drive on 2xLiion:
I know Solarforce has (er, had) a 2x 18650 M head C/P tail, the L2-D18, and I know that one can add a cell extender to a bored 9P, or longer extender to bored 6P. But I was curious what extended bodies may have existed that took 2x 18650 with a P head and tail. LeeF made one like that, I think, but I'll never find one. I'm sure fivemega made one, too. But I was curious if any were mass produced with simple round styling and conventional knurling as close to classic Surefire hardware as possible. Collecting information for a future build that I may never get to but really do want.
I have a few of th solarforce extenders. Each add a cr123, but 2 would add room for an 18650. Looking for an l2 head and tailcap to trade