I have a question about Aleph light engines. I have been wanting to aquire an Aleph 1 flashlight and thought that I would be able to use either a one or two battery configuration interchangeably. But after doing some research it looks like the LE's are designed for one or the other but not both. Is this correct? What would happen if you put a head with a DB917 LE on a one cell pack and what would happpen if you put a NG750 one a two cell pack?
I guess I don't understand it because all my Surefire E series led lights can be used on one or two cell packs interchageably with no problem at all. Just dimmer on the one cell pack.
I guess I don't understand it because all my Surefire E series led lights can be used on one or two cell packs interchageably with no problem at all. Just dimmer on the one cell pack.