Am I the only one who is a huge mess?


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
For real most days at least once I think to self what the hell is wrong with me. And my list is pages long


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 7, 2014
For real most days at least once I think to self what the hell is wrong with me. And my list is pages long
Right there with ya. Many times during the day or at the end of the day I think about how I could've done/handled things in a much better way. It's rare that I pat myself on the back and say,"Nice job today Gurdy." Probably not super healthy and something I need to work on.


Aug 10, 2015
I noticed a few people I work with saying some things have taken a hit in the last year or two. Forgetfulness, difficulty maintaining attention, spelling errors( I mean I literally just wrote 'spelling areas' instead of 'spelling errors' lol). Pandemic stress related? This isnt a conspiracy angle here, just an observation.

I do recall working in hostile environments abroad that when staff first come into theatre or on the job, they would be forgetful as heck. They would lose their room key, car key, leave their ID and meal cards laying about for the first couple of weeks, I think though they were functioning outwardly it was subconsious anxiety effecting them. maybe the same thing for you Raggie?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 11, 2017
NorCal, Central Coast
I noticed a few people I work with saying some things have taken a hit in the last year or two. Forgetfulness, difficulty maintaining attention, spelling errors( I mean I literally just wrote 'spelling areas' instead of 'spelling errors' lol). Pandemic stress related? This isnt a conspiracy angle here, just an observation.

I do recall working in hostile environments abroad that when staff first come into theatre or on the job, they would be forgetful as heck. They would lose their room key, car key, leave their ID and meal cards laying about for the first couple of weeks, I think though they were functioning outwardly it was subconsious anxiety effecting them. maybe the same thing for you Raggie?
Nobody likes the boss breathing down our necks


Mar 27, 2022
toxic positivity? Had to look that up, it's new this year. Sounds like more BS to me.

Leaders are positive minded.

thermal guy

Jan 28, 2007
Dude I'm a single father of 3 girl. I do everything for them and am there at the drop of a hat if they need me an I still feel like a loser sometimes and don't do enough. We often expect to much of ourselves and think we're never good enough. If you're alive and doing your best your good. now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go help my seven year old daughter look for a piece of scrap paper in her room that she drew on that I threw away a week ago Because I thought it was trash.🤫


Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
Yes, I understand. You believe in a God. Reality is not your strong suit.;)
There was a time where I thought less of a person who believes in a deity or deities, but now I realize everyone's mind works differently. For some belief in a higher being is a source of comfort, or a way to cope with the death which (so far*) awaits us all. For others it's a framework for their lives. I don't need these things but I'm not going to be automatically dismissive of others who might. I'm sure in their eyes I have some beliefs or habits they might not understand. Also, even for myself some part of me hopes a more advanced race, not necessarily deities, are looking out for us, perhaps ready to step in if we try to destroy ourselves.

* I'm hoping there's an eventual cure for aging and death. Lots more I want to do in this life, but at nearly 60 best case I might have 40 years and change. Give me 40,000 instead. Or 4 million.
Toxic positivity and the absolute refusal to learn or even acknowledge basic history is largest mistake anyone alive could ever make.
Here I'm more in agreement if by toxic positivity you mean the belief that people should put a positive spin on all experiences, even those that are profoundly tragic. Hard fact is that for many life sucks more often than not. I can probably count less than 1% of my life where I was truly happy and content. Easily a third I was miserable. Another third was OK but just getting by. Most of the rest was some happy moments mixed with sadder ones. Anyone expecting us to always put a happy spin on things deserves to be kicked into the next county. I think life is defined mostly by tragedy, and thoughts of what might have been, if only one or two things turned out differently. For me the people and animals I've lost who I was close to are not far from my thoughts. I'm still hurting from the loss of my cat who died on February 23, 2021. People don't get over loss, they just learn to cope with it. Even further back, I often think of the one true love in my life when I was 19. I think what might have been if perhaps we got together again when we were a few years older. You don't get over stuff like that, you just learn to live with it. It doesn't help that I have a virtually photographic memory for important times in my life.
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