An entertaining video....


Feb 10, 2010
St. Peters, MO
I thought i would share this with my fellow CPF members. I thought it was quite funny.


Feel free to post any other funny videos that you may have.
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There is a thread stickied in the CAFE for posting youtube links and the like. You may get better response there. Or else this thread will probably get merged with that one. ;)
Hehe, a pitbull roaming free in the living room and a copy of Playboy on the coffee table. :) That must be a family man's house. :D
That's funny. No video, but I scared the **** out of our cat with my Mag. He usually follow the laser all over for a minute before becoming bored. Once I was working on the reflector positioning on my new ROP. Cat was watching spot beam on wall, then up to the ceiling. I widened it up to flood and back to spot a couple times. Each time it "got big" he cringed lower and lower then shot out of the room in terror. Eventually he came back, but was watching the ceiling for hours and hours after that just in case it came back to get him while he wasn't watching!

Where's the camera when you need it?!