An interesting flashlight recomendation challenge I am facing


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
Naoussa Greece
a small note..this is more of a report than a request for help....

well..sometime ago i was contacted by a guide that had read a flashlight article of mine in one of the greek military mags,,,

He was just gifted a Surefire 6PL that used at work... he asked me on up-ing runtime and lumens...he was really using the light alot and the crappy 16340s he had were just a pop..on the other hand CR123s may run up to 5-7 euros here and he needd at least a set per day...

I suggested an extension, a dereelight 3SM module and sets of 17500s.
He had seen my C2 with the detonator extender in a pic and was familiar with the notion.

But he is rather old to use the internet and make purchases...and has no one with a CC to help hime with a purchase

then I suggested in making a Q5 module with a DX15880 board running 2 NiMhs...but yesterday I made a runtime test and I am not that warm with the idea...Uniross Hybrio run at 50min with the Adraw of 2.05A at max

NOW comes the difficult stuff....

1. he is located almost 450 miles away and all conversations were over the phone...there so many things going in my mind then, that it is hard to cover all grounds, especially when you cannot demonstrate method and show parts on hand...

2. only yesterday he made me understand the nature of his job. He is a coal miner alright, but I could never understand the conditions they work in...
There is utter blackness..and not because of the lack of light, but because that the matte black coal DOES NOT REFLECT ANY LIGHT...they use 10000W spots on the machines.
His use of a flashlight is pointing the light in regions to extract coal...And he needs TIGHT beams most.

He is about to try a Fenix Tk11 and that partly solves the rechargable problem (can use 18650 2600mAh if he gets them from abroad).

I am on the verge of either:
- Suggest him to buy a Tk40 mainly for the NiMh convenience and power (both Fenix and Maha are available from the same vendor in Greece, albeit at a steep price)
- Suggest buying 18650 and a charger on his behalf....

The whole situation is troubling because I feel that for him not beimg able to access the internet for browsing & purchase convenience is robbing him from a lot.

The only good thing is that being a technician, he can work a multimeter...

I initialy thought of starting a new thread but I will chance it here.

How safe is to buy a DSD charger from Lighthound? ...I am hearing alot about defective ones from DX and I do not want to risk purchasing a defective/soon-may-break one,even from LH, especially now that it will be another guy...
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Coal mines are a unique requirement. I have no idea what safety regulations Greece has, but most countries are VERY strict. I suggest you research the regulations before proceeding.
How safe is to buy a DSD charger from Lighthound? ...I am hearing alot about defective ones from DX and I do not want to risk purchasing a defective/soon-may-break one,even from LH

I recently brought a DSD charger from DX. After doing a search on the forum
I came to the conclusion that any defects from the DSD will come from the
actual charger itself and not the battery cradle.
Luckily for me I found a old Nokia cellphone charger which I am now using
with the DSD battery cradle ..... no problems so far :D

There are a number of posts, including one from AW that recommends using
a Nokia charger in place of the one supplied with the DSD
Coal dust is explosive. He needs a light that is safe to use in explosive environments. Most of them probably are, but it would be good to ask the manufacturers if they have any flashlights that are safety tested.
I think a spark proof light would be better for this. Don't recall the rating name though.

Something like a Propoly LED with a current gen LED could be a good choice.
In the US, equipment used on the face of a mine with potentially explosive atmosphere (which coal mines are almost certain to have) must be MSHA rated. I assume Greece has an equivalant organization, or adopts some other requirements for operation in explosive atmosphere.
I'd echo these thoughts: if he's working in a mine, he should definitely be concerned about safety ratings.

Pelican's lights may be a good fit, since they're commonly used by firefighters, miners, and other people in potentially explosive environments. Pelican's "mine-rated" lights are here.

The Pelicans I've used in the past are also slightly more oriented towards throw, and have a fairly tight beam. I don't usually have an opportunity to suggest Pelican lights, but this seems like an ideal fit for `em. :)

Hope this helps!

nope as far as I know there are no restrictions....

BTW it si an open air mine....

hey Thanks for the DSD tips....I have lots of Nokia chargers....

but if it uses an external supply are there electornics in the cradle that termiate charge?
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Usually the charging circuit is built into the phone sometimes they're even built into the battery like my rcr-v3 camera battery. Often times the chargers are little more than 5 volt power supplies which is why they work just plugging into a usb jack.
hmm he has not such concerns. and he is a foreman of a sort...

and I already said it is an open air a quary
already suggested it....but do not know if the output is enough....told him about the warm tint and he will be thinking about it...

Kinda reserved suggesting the beast (TK40)
If he is using the light mainly to point out coal deposits why not get him a green laser pointer that runs on AA cells. For the flashlight a 6PL running on RCR123 should be enough. Just send him a charger with a few set of cells.
I vote for the TK40 - This light has the sort of output to wow anybody.
I have had mine for sometime and I'm still suprised at the output everytime I switch the light on! (turbo mode)

already suggested it....but do not know if the output is enough....told him about the warm tint and he will be thinking about it...

Kinda reserved suggesting the beast (TK40)
He is about to try a Fenix Tk11 and that partly solves the rechargable problem (can use 18650 2600mAh if he gets them from abroad).

I can see an advantage in using 18650 based lights (there are quite a few different ones available) especially in terms of run time and ease of charging.
16340 - 750mAh
18650 - 2600mAh (That is over 3x the capacity)

The Fenix TK40 is a bit more work for batteries - you need to charge and insert 8 batteries to get it to work!

For the 18650 route he would need a good charger and at least 2 cells.
Are you thinking their TK30 model?

Nah, that would require at least 4 x 18650 cells.

I always consider 2 sets of batteries the minimum so a 1 x 18650 light needs one cell in the light and one spare as a minimum. I often presume that others instantly understand this thinking - but it is probably good to spell it out.

A 2 bay charger + 2 x 18650 + a 1 x 18650 light = a light that will run for a long time, he could do a mid-shift battery swap and then when he gets home he could put both batteries on the charger, once charged he puts one cell in the torch and the other with the torch ready to swap. This would be a fairly simple procedure and with a regular habit established it would go very smoothly every time.

There are so many 1 x 18650 options it isn't funny. There are Q5, R2 and MC-E lights. There is even a Quark option now (well, in a couple of days anyway). With Olight, Jetbeam, Fenix, MG and many more brands offering good choices.

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