Flashlight Enthusiast
if this is the original twisty then yes. I actually really enjoy twisties lately. Too bad they are discontinued. I'd like to try one
if this is the original twisty then yes. I actually really enjoy twisties lately. Too bad they are discontinued. I'd like to try oneView attachment 42439
fwiw, the Eagletac D3a and D25a also have an option to twist the head to switch from turbo of about 170 lumens, using Eneloop., to a programmed low of either 0.4 or 6 lumens.
The light also works on LiIon which raises Turbo to over 500 lumens, and the low mode to either 4 or 30 lumens.
when the head is tight, the light turns on to turbo. when the head is loose the light turns on to low mode. the modes can also be switched by twisting the head while the light is on.
the Eagletac AA is one of the thinnest AA lights available, it is only 17.3mm diameter, and has an excellent screwed on pocket clip.
The Titanium D3a is available with a High CRI SST-20.
The D25a aluminium model is available with a 219c LED
Then you're the only one, because it is an all too common complaint among Andúril2 users.
Nope. Doesn't happen to me either. I have at least 6 Anduril lights of various sizes.
Anduril users tend to be experimental and maybe that's what's happening with the complainers.
Well, here's some examples of that,
- on reddit
- on reddit again
- on reddit yet again
- on BLF
- on BLF again
- on BLF yet again
This theme just keeps popping up. Just curious if you realize whether or not you've ever seen a kangaroo has little bearing on whether they exist or not.
Probably not. I'm not entirely certain, but it probably has something to do with the complexity and there only being a single button to access the UI. Few have memorized every single function of Andúril 2 and how to access it.
If you're curious in researching...
[Citations needed]You can find tons of posts from folks who can't manage to program Zebralight as well.
[Citations needed]
No one is suggesting one interface is better than the other. This is not a contest. But it should be obvious that one is far more complex and has far more functionality when both have precisely one way to interact with the interface. To suggest they are equally complex and the number of users that come across issues with each is equivalent is ludicrous on its face. Some, however, have a tendency of bias towards what they prefer, lose all objectivity, and suddenly there is a tribal instinct for a fight to the death if anyone dares to criticize. Please relax. It's nothing personal. To each his his own. I use both every single day, and neither of them can hold a candle to the foolproof interface of a single mode forward clicky. No one ever gets tripped up with that.