Another bad Jetbeam


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 27, 2010
I'm giving up on Jetbeam....My first was an RRT-1 and I liked it. It did have a big ring of aluminum that had fallen inside the battery tube. OK, so they didn't do a good QC inspection. I got rid of it just before my M2S arrived. Figured one was enough. Then I was dissapointed to see Jetbeam had screwed up the programming on the M2S UI. When I contacted them they basically said they would think about it and contact me later. Never happened. They revised the manual to reflect the messed up UI instead. So I get a chance to get another RRT-1 in trade and I take it. The beam was horrible, and weak. So I had a look. The LED was loose in the head. I removed the head to reveal there was almost no thermal adhesive on the LED board. The LED is a little bit bronze colored around the ring surrounding the dome. Obviously it is loosing contact with the light body when you turn out the focusing ring of the head. See for yourself what it looked like. When I think of all the revisions of the RRT-0 and RRT-1 for problems with the "broad-voltage" circuit not recognizing the batteries properly, and the many versions of the M1X which had problems as well, I think JB has got some problems.


Here's the QC problem from the first RRT-1 I had.
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It's funny how bad QC can really diminish an otherwise promising product. I ordered a second-run RRT-0 last winter. The first one I got had a thermal fault and would shut off completely below 35 degrees (and come back on just as abruptly). The good folks as Bugoutgear replaced it with one that didn't exhibit this behavior but the one I got has a slightly bent floating positive contact (making it less "floaty"). I decided to keep this one as it otherwise works fine but it has put me off of Jetbeam a bit.

On a related note, I bought a Novatac Storm right after they were released and was moderately displeased with it. The aluminum was not hard anodized, the materials felt cheap and the big spring in it made it subject to suddenly coming on when tapped or dropped the right (or wrong) way. I drained a whole bunch of lithium primaries that way before I decided to use it as a backup flashlight only and leave the tail cap locked out.

By contrast, the Ra Clicky with a similar design is far and above my favorite EDC light. It is built like a tank. Henry came up with a much better signaling mechanism that the Novatac spring and it has never failed me even once.
When I contacted them they basically said they would think about it and contact me later. Never happened.

I've also had less than pleasing results with Jetbeam customer service. In my opinion it is something they will definitely need to work on to gain market share, or at least not loose it at some point in time. Although most seem very pleased with Bugoutgears service including myself.

This maybe a post belonging in the Cheers and Jeers section?

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Those pics need to be seen to be believed, I'm glad you posted them here or I'd never have seen them. I doubt many people peruse the cheers n jeers like they do this forum.
Doesn't take much to ruin an otherwise great light.
I own RRT-0 v2, RRT-1, RRT-2, M1X v4, JET III M, JET I PRO V3, JET I PRO V3 EX and they all work great. I am in love with Jetbeam. :twothumbs

I get 44:32 continuous minutes on Trustfire RCR 16340 on RRT-0 on high, I wonder what I would get with AW? I comepletely love it. :naughty:
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Reflecting on this, when all is said and done, there is a very small list of makers whose lights I would want to truly depend on should something serious arise. JB's are very nice, but not in my list.
why would they put a hole under the LED? makes no sense

Makes no sense from a thermal standpoint. Another indication of the lack of planning between design and the machining department who wanted a hole to make it easier to build I would guess. This is similar to the M2S UI programming problem...where the UI designer designed it one way, The manual writers wrote the manual for it, then the production department altered the programming and screwed it up. But what is most telling is that Jetbeam pushes it out the door anyway knowing it's messed up, then fixes the succeeding versions with V2, V3, V4 or re-writes the manual to make problems seem normal. The early customers get to keep the production sample rejects. They sure are Purrrdy though....... I was just reading about the newest M1X, V5! I also learned that Jetbeam doesn't use these Version Numbers...The customers do! What does that tell you? I'd be embarrassed to admit my lights have been changed so often for fixes.

BTW- I've owned 5 Jetbeams now, and all have had performance problems. The RRT-1 I just got is going to be a beater in the center console of the Car. My Lumapower's (I've had 6) will stay in my pocket. And the new Masterpiece Pro 1 (which lego's with Surefire components) will be my new outdoor light. All 54,000 lux of it. Solarforce is smart to adapt the Tiablo reflector designs. Tiablo can't build a single 18650 light to save their lives, but their reflectors (A10 and A50) are king. Can't wait for Solarforce to copy the A50 reflector. It is hands down the best SST-50 throw reflector out there. My Surefires have been 100% reliable, but they are getting way behind in output. Malkoff M60 anyone? Hello Surefire? Where is that P91L you promised us years ago? Maybe Solarforce is just lucky to have realized that adding output to SF Lego's would be a swift move. Or maybe they are smarter than we know? Time will tell.
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sorry to hear that, but i dont disagree, i have 2 jetbeams, one came with a shredded o-ring, my friends M1X o-ring was not in the best shape either. these minor issues can so easily be rectified with better QC. and with the labor wages they pay in china it cost close to nothing! i would understand if i paid $10, but these lights are about $100 (give or take about $40)

but besides my mutalated o-ring, it works fine, and i love my jetbeams.
Reflecting on this, when all is said and done, there is a very small list of makers whose lights I would want to truly depend on should something serious arise. JB's are very nice, but not in my list.

+1. When it comes to "light that my life depends on", then JetBeam, and Fenix are out of the list. Just because they have the bleeding edge tech and highly glossy designs does not make them more reliable. It takes time to realize this, but when you play long enough with flashlights, you are going to realize it someday.

I'm not here to defend Jetbeam (although I love my RRT-0 and have not had any issues with it). But I keep seeing this "light that my life depends on" statement.

Really? How many people out there are putting themselves in daily situations where their life depends on a flashlight? I do understand that this can be the case for certain professions like an LEO or someone in the military, etc. But for the average joe "flashaholic", I just don't see it.

If you have had a bad experience with a product product "A" and success with product "B", I understand ones decision to go with "B".

People have preferences, bias, and prejudices against all sorts of things. It's human nature.

But for the average person to justify a light because " life depends on it" seems overstated.

I fully expect to get some heat for this. And If I'm wrong, so be it. I'll go back to living my boring life in the sleepy midwest and count my blessing that I (nor any of my friends or family with exception of the few LEOs) can live without our lives depending on a flashlight for survival.
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I guess emergencies must never happen at night in the mid-west? Furthermore.....You can always tell when a natural disaster occurs those who "plan for the worst, and hope for the best"...Vs...those who stand around waiting on somebody to come rescue them.
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I guess emergencies must never happen at night in the mid-west?

Sure. All the time. But I hate to say if that if "survival" (if that is what kind of emergency we are talking about) depends on that split-second moment of the light works or doesn't, I would say the odds are not in your favor anyhow.

And based on everything I've read about my fellow flashaholics, that back-up light is never very far away for that non-life threatening emergency.

In a natural disaster, counting on survival based on a flashlight seems optimistic. What guarantee do you have that flashlight will be where you left it after possibly an earthquake or tornado. You're going to need a lot more than just a flashlight...albeit its is good start.
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Who says it needs to be a "split-second" emergency? How about you had an accident on the road at night and needed a light to work 100% to keep yourself from getting creamed by the next vehicle coming down the road 5 minutes from now? And if the "odds are not in your favor" then I want every advantage I can get, especially right now.
I've always had good luck with Jetbeam lights. I bought a JetIII M for my brother who is a comercial fisherman. He keeps that light on his boat 24/7 and uses (abuses) it daily. He's had it for around 3 years now and it works as new. I'd guess that most, if not all the Chines flashlight manufacturers have some QC issues. I've had three Quark 123^2's which seem to be highly regarded here, and all three have had QC issues. You just have to cross your fingers and hope you get a good one I guess. :shrug:
I own RRT-0 v2, RRT-1, RRT-2, M1X v4, JET III M, JET I PRO V3, JET I PRO V3 EX and they all work great. I am in love with Jetbeam. :twothumbs

I get 44:32 continuous minutes on Trustfire RCR 16340 on RRT-0 on high, I wonder what I would get with AW? I comepletely love it. :naughty:

I own a RRT-0, RRT-1, RRT-2 and a JET-III PRO ST BVC R2, all appear to have been manufactured flawlessly and have to date functioned flawlessly. I live in a very tornado prone area and keep these close at hand when the weather threatens (even in daytime). Like cars, electronics and almost anything else mass manufactured (key word here is mass) there will always be a few that slip through the QC cracks, I know, I work in the manufacturing business for a global consumer electronics manufacturer, and I can say our US made products suffer as much from this as the China and Asia rim products. :shrug:

I do security work in an office/warehouse environment five days a week on the 4:00 PM to Midnight shift. Therefore, I use lights every night and I need to depend on them functioning properly to check the facilities.

I've been using an M1X V4 during my warehouse tours because I like its throw and area coverage. However, the switch is not reliable. I have had several incidents where the switch would not turn the light on and I had to use my backup light.

I am continually cleaning the contacts and threads on the M1X in an attempt to keep it maintained and working. But despite my best efforts, the switch continues to fail me unexpectedly on occasion.

No more JetBeams for me. The M1X is not reliable.
This is really unfortunate, my Jetbeam is a second generation Jet-III M and I'm totally rapt in it's performance and reliability (unlike it's predecessor the Jet CL-E), as a general rule I never buy anything first generation this approach has served me well thus far... FWIW I use my JB light as my primary duty light and have never had any issue with it :thumbsup:
Not to slag Jetbeam here by any means, but I'm constantly amused while reading threads related to poor QC and manufacturing. It seems that while people are willing to complain about a manufacturer's products, for valid reasons, they inevitably continue to purchase them, because they're "cheap", "attractive", or for some other superficial reason. It doesn't matter if it's Jetbeam, Fenix, or even the Costco light du jour. If the manufacturer keeps selling whatever they're producing, and they don't have a financial penalty incurred by mass returns, they certainly don't have any incentive to improve their product!

A slight cosmetic blemish can be overlooked, but a functional or reliability problem is completely different, and to me, unacceptable. I do tend to be a bit picky about the lights I carry and stock, and in the few instances in which I've had an issue with my lights, the manufacturer has gone above and beyond the call of duty to rectify the situation.

Jetbeam's pricing would seem to call for significantly better engineering, manufacturing, and quality control than what's actually provided- but from the comments here, one could assume that Jetbeam's management needs to do little but pump our more flashy, shiny designs and laugh all the way to the bank.

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