Another Negative Experience with Eagletac

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Jul 30, 2009
Bought my M2XC4 last year at 4sevens clearance. Just used it when it first time arrived to make sure the light is work properly. Until 31 January 2010, it "officially" been used as a hunting light. I use to hunt the rat around my area. After finished using it, i took off the batteries from the battery holder. When i tried to put back the battery holder, accidentally i dropped the flashlight body on the floor. Its dropped aprox from 1 meter. After that i can't screw the head on because it's dented around the thread and can't turn on the flashlight either.

After that i emailed eagletac regarding the issue at 1 Febuary 2010 and i haven't heard any words from them until today. Does Eagletac usually takes so long to respond such thing like this ??
I doubt there's anything you will get out of them. Technically you did abuse the light by dropping it like that, though I agree it should be made of hard enough metal that a short fall wouldn't dent it like that.
If they technically consider i was abused the light, thats really funny. Because i dropped it accidentally, no battery was inside the tube ( it's just empty body ) and they advertised the best built flashlight in the world also advertised in their web Extreme Performance but can't stand with such accident like that ?? sigh..

Btw if they consider my issue as an abuse to their light, are there dealers sell separate M2XC4 body?
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I think any flashlight should survive a small drop as in 6 foot or less. I have dropped my Dorcy AAA & my Fenix E01 without any adverse effect on them.
bend it back where it should be carefully.
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Threads, tubes and lights are designed to be tough while assembled.

Smashing threads that are disassembled from their mating surface can happen to any light sold .

Threads as a whole are strong, and well protected when assembled, but disassembled and dropped in one place they are quite delicate, especially with light alloys used in lights.

I hope you get some help soon, but it's not the lights fault. If you had dropped it even full of the heavy batteries while assembled it would have only had a small blemish or maybe a dent, but it would still work.

You might try using a small thread file at the start of the first threads so that you can get it threaded, if the tube itself is dented, just dent it back.

Otherwise if you are the squeeky wheel and don't badmouth them too much I bet you will get help eventually (not familiar with that Company).

Good luck, and remember to treat disassembled lights very carefully. The tube and threads are very strong, only when the head and tail are on, otherwise you can squish em.

I think any flashlight should survive a small drop as in 6 foot or less. I have dropped my Dorcy AAA & my Fenix E01 without any adverse effect on them.

Agree, but the key here is it was in pieces, heres an analogy, take the front bumper off of your car and then run the radiator against a brick wall. Not a quality radiator you say?
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I am confused are you saying that they did email you today or that as of today they have not emailed you back.

From my experience even the company's with the best customer service can take a week or so to respond to you, I guess it just depends how busy they are.

As for your light being dropped yes I agree that should be covered with warranty if they claim best built light in the world.
...they advertised the best built flashlight in the world also advertised in their web Extreme Performance but can't stand with such accident like that ?? sigh...

This is what I hear marketing people refer to as an "unquantifiable claim". By not stating specific performance criteria, you have nothing to make a claim against. The term "best built" could refer to anything they like - best built in terms of what... best in terms of build colour, build shape... could be anything they want it to mean! Extreme Performance is another such claim... extremely what... good?...bad?...bright?...long?...smelly?

I wish you the best of luck getting a result, but unfortunately you're on thin ice trying to argue that they have mis-advertised the durability of their product unless you can find something specific in terms of their claim to it withstanding impacts.

However, on the plus side, most companies that care about the quality of their products and care about their customers will replace products in situations like this, even if they wouldn't technically be covered by a warranty.
I would carefuly file off the dented part of the threads and deburr it, dont get the file shavings in the battery tube. Consider it a lesson, most things in life cannot be dropped, change batteries over a table or carpet.
Totally 100% agree with you, especially for such a "High Quality" flashlight they should stand against impact.

No i'm not trying to bad mouth'in or something like that. What i'm trying to do here is get some advice regarding my issue and see if it some one also had same issue like i just had right now. And i want to hear from them how the EagleTac handle the issue, thats all. Btw i'm just prefer not to "touch" the light at the moment until i got response from EagleTac but i really appreciate your support and advice.

Sorry if my English confused you, i meant to say the have not emailed me back until today ( i'm still waiting respond and reply from EagleTac )

Actually i'm not trying to argue that they mis-advertised their product. But i'm just saying i'm really disappointed between their marketing on their website and the reality on the real world. And also you know how "Marketing" world is... I also appreciate your support though, hope EagleTac could handle this problem...
Consider it a lesson, most things in life cannot be dropped, change batteries over a table or carpet.

I thought this Flashlight is just like another "Durable" flashlight i owned so far such as Fenix, Nitecore, Surefire and could stand against impact. But you were right, i think next time i should be extra careful when i changed the battery or inspect the lights...
What i'm trying to do here is ...... see if some one also had same issue like i just had right now
If you did not know whether or not someone else had a similar issue, why did you use the word "Another" in the thread title?

Just want to get some attention here. But if it against the CPF posting rule i will change the title.
With the wording of that title, you've implied that your experience with Eagletac is not the first, and by further implication perhaps even just the latest in a series of similar ones. The title is therefore at best deliberately misleading; the excuse that it was done in an attempt to "get some attention" just compounds the offense.

As it happens, it is not the first thread posted on CPF criticising Eagletac. There are others. Yours just happens to be the most frivolous and the least worthwhile. It's closed.
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