another new member with a Qmini 123 question


Newly Enlightened
Apr 25, 2010
New Jersey
Hello all. I'm just became a member of the forum recently after lurking for some time. There is so much information that can be learned from all the postings in the different forum sub-topic. I've been interested in flashlights for a while now but only have your usual run of the mill box store type. Recently, I've acquired a Fenix L2T V2 and that started it all. I've since added the Quark Mini AA and would like to add the QMini 123 version too.
My concern is this; how bad really is the 'loose thread' issue (on head) ? I'm planning on carrying in-pocket (front or side) and I'm afraid of accidentally having the light turn on. I'm planning on running this on primaries (initially) so I wouldn't want to 'waste' battery.


arnold r.
You could always just run a little plumbing tape (that stretchy white stuff that looks good enough to eat) around the thread to add some firmness to your thread.

I've done it to two lights (mini AA, TK20 tail cap) that where just a little too loose for my liking. They're probably really ok, I'm just fussy and like firm threads.
I have one and I find it slightly annoying but not a big deal. It has turned on maybe 3 times in my pocket over the course of 3 months and I usually notice right away.
I've carried my Quark MiNis daily for months rotating between the AA, 123 and CR2 models.

The 123 has the most play but I wouldn't consider it sloppy by any means.
I've never had any of them come on by accident.

If that issue is a concern then just just rotate the head half a turn when not in use.
Great little flash light esp on rechargable LiIon.
I on the other hand WOULD call the 123 head sloppy.. I mean I can almost "bend" the light when holding the head and the other end.. or at least wiggle it and more than just a little bit.

Mine doesn't come on by accident due to my turing it off an extra half turn... I just hope it still water proof having the head that far undone.

All that aside, it's still a great light for the price.
The only time the "sloppiness" of the threads is a factor is right about when the contact is about to be made to turn it on.
It may jump on-off-on in a split second, jumping modes in the process.

Coming on in your pocket, not an issue if you give it a 1/2 turn to make sure.

If you are only going to run primaries in it then consider the CR2.
Its tiny.
Thank you all for the replies. It's reassuring to hear opinions of people who actually owns it.

Good idea about the teflon tape. Love my short time in Brisbane way back when.

Shark Za
Already have some CR123's so I'd like to start with that, but you never know ;)

I guess you guys are the lucky ones. Maybe you got from the later batches ??

Again, thanks for the comments and suggestion. Now if only I didn't discover about the Fenix PD10. Decisions, decisions....

arnold r.
The only time the "sloppiness" of the threads is a factor is right about when the contact is about to be made to turn it on.
It may jump on-off-on in a split second, jumping modes in the process.

Yes, A good point I forgot to mention. Sometimes it can be more work to get the mode you want, than it should be.

arnoldr - I own the P1D also. It costs a lot more, but is also a lot more solid and has no play in the threads. Actually I think I should lube my P1D as the thread is a little tight lol.

You'll notice the P1D has more throw (at least my older P1D CE does) than the Mini so for very short range stuff the Mini might be better, but for short to med range or if you want to run over it with your car, the P1D is better.
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I gather that the P1D is the predecessor to the PD10. I own a L2T V2 and I agree that the Fenix looks and feels more robust. Again, I can only compare that to the Mini AA I have. I understand too that the XP-G gives more of a flood pattern than say an XP-E or XR-E.

arnold r.
Welcome to CPF. I've never had my QMini 123 come on in the pocket, either. The threads are a bit loose, but a healthy bit of grease improved things.

I on the other hand WOULD call the 123 head sloppy.. I mean I can almost "bend" the light when holding the head and the other end.. or at least wiggle it and more than just a little bit.

Mine doesn't come on by accident due to my turning it off an extra half turn... I just hope it still water proof having the head that far undone.

I am in agreement that the term sloppy is appropriate for my Mini 123 as well.

It may jump on-off-on in a split second, jumping modes in the process.
So true and I find that more than a little annoying. But it is hard to beat the Mini 123's size and price. For me, it exemplifies having to make compromises.
Same story as the others, my Mini123 needs an additional 1/2 turn to guarantee it won't turn on in my pocket. Otherwise, a very compact and bright light at a great price.
I gather that the P1D is the predecessor to the PD10. I own a L2T V2 and I agree that the Fenix looks and feels more robust. Again, I can only compare that to the Mini AA I have. I understand too that the XP-G gives more of a flood pattern than say an XP-E or XR-E.

arnold r.

Yes the P1D was superceeded by the PD10. As it has the same output as the 123 mini I'm guessing it uses the same emitter? If so I believe it would still have a little more throw due to the deeper reflector.

Flying Turtle - What kind of grease? And is there any risk of it melting and / or leaking and staining your pants? If not I might give that a go.
My 2 Qmini's 123 had sloppy threads.
I took the advice of other cfp members and tried out teflon tape (the plain white kind) with wondrous results. lovecpf
PayBack: If you are willing, try out some teflon tape.

It is a 'clean' solution to sloppy thread issues.
After a correction to the amount of tape needed (1.5 turns in my case), the minis are now PERFECT.

No thread play, very solid feeling (no bending), doesn't take 1/2 a turn to secure but just a tiny bit instead and the twist action remains buttery smooth.

I now feel very confident about pocketing my mini's securely.
My 2 Qmini's 123 had sloppy threads.
I took the advice of other cfp members and tried out teflon tape (the plain white kind) with wondrous results. lovecpf
PayBack: If you are willing, try out some teflon tape.

It is a 'clean' solution to sloppy thread issues.
After a correction to the amount of tape needed (1.5 turns in my case), the minis are now PERFECT.

No thread play, very solid feeling (no bending), doesn't take 1/2 a turn to secure but just a tiny bit instead and the twist action remains buttery smooth.

I now feel very confident about pocketing my mini's securely.
gotta say that I agree with each and every point in this post with perhaps the rider that provided I don't use too much, the tape on mine actually seems to make the twist action even more "buttery" than before.
I have a Quark Mini 123 on the way. Does anyone have a source for cheap Teflon tape (preferably in the UK)? I'm not sure I'm finding the right stuff on ebay, some of it says it's for vacuum packing equipment. :thinking:

I have a Quark Mini 123 on the way. Does anyone have a source for cheap Teflon tape (preferably in the UK)? I'm not sure I'm finding the right stuff on ebay, some of it says it's for vacuum packing equipment. :thinking:


Teflon tape only sounds fancy, you can get it from absolutely any home improvement store. It'll be labeled "Plumber's tape" or "PTFE tape" and it should look like this: