Another Proud Moment in My Education


Dec 20, 2008
Memo to others: Don't use a bench vise to drive a copper slug into a heat sink. :oops:

Memo to self: Buy a better bench vise. Bigger than 4". And don't abuse it. :tsk:

hmmm I kinda thought that was the purpose of a vice was to hit things. Of course it is really nice to have a really smooth vice with no holes, grind marks, burns, weld splatter, or other flaws.
that's why the good ones have a shear pin. But of course, you'll always be shearing the pin
hmmm I kinda thought that was the purpose of a vice was to hit things.

Darned straight, moto! :crackup:

Here's the rest of the story. When I built a bench in my new garage about 25 years ago, I bought this vise from an old codger who was kind enough to slap some durable, black paint on it. It was plenty old when I got it. When I built a separate shop a two or three years ago, I left it in place, figuring that it might still come in handy where it is.


It's a 3.5" No. 5 made by the "Littlestown Hdwe & Fdry Co." of Littlestown, PA.

I've neglected and beat the crap out of it for 25 years and haven't managed to break it. Good American cast iron!

OK, Barry, I'm waiting for you to tell me what to buy now. :whistle:
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Haha.. Yeah, I have tried that without success so, enter hydraulic press!
You know I'm always happy to help others spend their money :nana:

See the thread I'm starting tonight on my new/old Wilton bullet vise.

I'm living, breathing, squealing proof of that! :eek:

I'll watch for your new thread. Thanks!
Another nice way to press parts is with a manual arbor press. I found my Dake No. 1 1/2 (3 tons) in a junk pile, missing most of the necessary parts of the ratchet mechanism. Found some photos on the web showing how Dake made theirs & was able to make the missing parts ... instead of sending $300 to Dake. Lever

Always some Dake & Greenerd presses on eBay but the bigger ones are heavy.
There is a place in Denton selling a huge pneumatically controlled press for $300 if anyone is interested let me know. That thing is about 6'+ tall.

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