Any D26 hotwire combination?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
Naoussa Greece
I am reffering to ready made D26 modules, Not the FM ones...

So I can only think of a 12V for 4xCR123 run on 3xLi-Ions...or is it too much?

I aleady tried 3.7Xenon with 2xCR123 partly depleted...POOF!
search electron guru's intro to incans, lots of details listed including all the various d26 combo's from 3.7, 9.0v....
Totally should be a sticky, its a great read.
I am reffering to ready made D26 modules, Not the FM ones...

So I can only think of a 12V for 4xCR123 run on 3xLi-Ions...or is it too much?

I aleady tried 3.7Xenon with 2xCR123 partly depleted...POOF!

Normaly "9v" bulbs on 2x li-ions.
12v bulbs on 3x li-ions have high risk of instaflashing, but they are a option. However, none have the output of P91 on li-ion or IMR.

search electron guru's intro to incans, lots of details listed including all the various d26 combo's from 3.7, 9.0v....
Totally should be a sticky, its a great read.

Electron's thread is about bi-pin bulbs using the FM adapter.
well thanks for the suggestions...

MD threads is saved in the hoem computer and is updated from time to time...

Know about the 2xLi-ions... My C2 is set up with HO-9 and 17500....
guess the best that can be done in a LF IMR bulb and batts
