Any LED addicts in the Charlotte/Raleigh area for a get together?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2007
Guys, anyone interested in a little local get together for us in the Charlotte/Raleigh area? Preferably around Charlotte as I myself have no transportation.

I live in Marshville, which is 30 miles east of Charlotte, right on Hwy 74 and I know enough people out here in the country so that we can probably arrange something in the middle of nowhere and not be bothered when shining lights around the place.

What say ye?

Unless you guys have secrets for me 'n stuff, just post the replies here. My PM space is running low :)

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Re: Any LED drug addicts in the Charlotte/Raleigh area for a get together?

Do we need reservations? I'm not in to no gosh dern hifalutin' social events ya know...:grin2:

If it ain't a bunch of hoo haws like me...I'm not comin'
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Re: Any LED drug addicts in the Charlotte/Raleigh area for a get together?

I think you're good. I'm pretty sure no one normal will show up :sick2:
Re: Any LED drug addicts in the Charlotte/Raleigh area for a get together?

I think you might get some takers from around here. There's a fair number from the Raleigh area. Heck, I might be able to hitch a ride on Rob's mule. Maybe a warmer weather meet, say in March would be better.

Re: Any LED drug addicts in the Charlotte/Raleigh area for a get together?

I am in central North Carolina (Burlington) so depending on where/when you have the meet, I might be interested...

Re: Any LED drug addicts in the Charlotte/Raleigh area for a get together?

Alright boys, this is cool and as far as the weather, anytime yall say so, I'm easy...

I guess just post your interest here and let me know when is good for you and again, where and we'll try to work it out.

The thing is, IF we do it here, I'm sure i can find somewhere but hell, if someone is somewhere else AND has a good spot, we'll go there. I'll just have to hitch a ride or hopefully by then, I will have gotten my truck back so I won't have to bum a ride.
Re: Any LED drug addicts in the Charlotte/Raleigh area for a get together?

Keep us posted about any get together's.
Re: Any LED drug addicts in the Charlotte/Raleigh area for a get together?

Absolutely. Just subscribe to this thread and as people show more interest, we'll try to get something going. I will check into doing it locally for the sake of finding some good property we can use.
Re: Any LED **** addicts in the Charlotte/Raleigh area for a get together?

Don't say "drug." I'm nervous enough already about all the talk about "LSD" batteries. Big brother (or big business) is watching.

"Sorry, Mr. Cree, your health insurance was declined because our computer's analysis of your internet history shows tendencies toward an unhealthy lifestyle."

I wish I was joking....
Re: Any LED **** addicts in the Charlotte/Raleigh area for a get together?

Alright, by that definition they would pick up on the word addicts too but ok, it's changed..
Re: Any LED **** addicts in the Charlotte/Raleigh area for a get together?

Don't say "drug." I'm nervous enough already about all the talk about "LSD" batteries. Big brother (or big business) is watching.

"Sorry, Mr. Cree, your health insurance was declined because our computer's analysis of your internet history shows tendencies toward an unhealthy lifestyle."

I wish I was joking....
You, my friend, need to be introduced to Torr. I'm of the opinion that a political body as large and corrupt as our government could never possibly be organized and competent enough to monitor and record the minute actions of every one of the 304,059,724 inhabitents of the USA. Same goes for a private sector business.

Still, encrypt your data through a few proxies and your set. Of course, that in itself may actually raise a few flags. I guess there's no options :duh2:

As for the meet, I sadly don't live near enough to consider it. Haven't seen advertisements for any Chicago-area meets lately :)
Re: Any LED **** addicts in the Charlotte/Raleigh area for a get together?

josh, I will help you out here...say after me... R O A D T R I P ... You got it?

Now YOU try..AND you can stay at my house and hell, I've got this ***** I can get to sleep with you. It'll be either my little Pug or my Great Dane. The big girl is a little shy though so it might have to be the little can you say no to that AND, you can bring me some snow!

Anyway, here's the little one
