Thanks for the info. Do you have any idea how it would compete with the Dereelight CL1H MC-E?
I've heard that the Dereelight drop-ins are pretty good with throw. However, I don't know if that applies to the MC-E P60 module
All the MC-E pills are going to be more floody than the newer SST-50's. I've given up on throw from a P60 reflector with a big die LED. I own both the Lumapower D-mini's....-EX and -VX Ultra. I just come from a long walk with one in each hand....The -EX is within 95% of the -VX in throw, but the -EX (MC-E) has a 1.75" diameter body, and the -VX (SST 50) is only 1.45". My prior favorite light was the Malkoff M60 in a G2Z host. I now carry the -VX. I like being able to lock it into single mode for tactical carry. Multi-mode is a deal breaker for me. I want it to come on now, and high right now. If I need endurance then I can unlock it easily for lower settings.
The Dereelights are good with throw...but they have a 1.9" diameter head too. The new SST-50 pills in a DBS head, and the "light" Orange Peel reflector is going to be the hot poop I believe. Waiting on my L. OP reflector to arrive along with a Nailbender SST-50 pill for it now.
The CL1H with MC-E has got to be a flood lamp. I see no way around it.
One of my prior Lumapower's was an MRV SK Ultra with MC-E. It has a 1.77" dia. head IIRC. It has no hot spot to speak of. The D-Mini-EX (MC-E) blows it away in throw. The -EX is a good room sweeper also. Very wide spill. Too much for me though. I like to be behind the light. Just too much illumination around me.
The reason I liked the Malkoff M60 so much was it had a well defined hot spot, with a wider spread of strong light around the center, finished off with weak spill out the side. The -VX is the same type of beam, only the hot spot is as big as the M60 center spread.
The -VX is also easily caried in a front jeans pocket with the 16340 tube installed. (with an IMR 16340)