Anyone an organic chem professor?


Dec 16, 2007
Does anyone know of some good websites to visit for practice with alkene and alkyne reaction mechanisms and stereochemistry? I have an exam tomorrow and I need to practice some more. Thanks for any help. I really dislike organic chemistry. Too bad its a required class for me. :sigh::thumbsdow:green:
I just gotta give it my best I guess.
study the book, its your best resource, online sites really wont help that much. Make yourself a list of reagents, thats really the best advice to give. If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask me. Good luck
Not a Prof but I have a degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry - I did it the old way with books.

Just try to memorize it and don't try to make it exciting because it just isn't!
i did some organic chem in highschool, i feel your pain! about the most interesting thing was the story about making soap out of someone's fat...:sick2:

Not a Prof but I have a degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry - I did it the old way with books.

Just try to memorize it and don't try to make it exciting because it just isn't!

That is amazing, It just mystifies me that some people can love some of this so much to do it as their occupation, but I am thankful they do, or things would be much different. I appreciate the thought about it not being exciting, because youre right, it really isnt. I do pretty well with more general chemistry topics, but the 3D aspect of organic gets me. It isn't the way my brain works. Oh well, it is what it is. Thanks for the thoughts guys.