Anyone doing the night shift?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 11, 2005
Trieste, Italy
Being a night owl and feeling at my best at night I'm looking for a nighttime job.

If there are people who do the night shift here I'd appreciate any ideas, suggestions or merely descriptions of what they do.

Thanks :)
My wife is a nurse and does night shifts (7:30 pm to 7:30 am) 95% of the time.

It's important to have blackout blinds in your bedroom so you can sleep in the dark. Having a connected bathroom that is also dark is important if you need to get up and use the toilet. Even a few seconds of sunlight will wake you up too much.

Our house has central air conditioning but we also have a window air conditioner for the bedroom so that she can sleep in a cool room without freezing the rest of us out. Your body temp is normally a bit lower at night so it helps to have a cool bedroom to sleep during the day (to compensate).

She always has a nap before her first shift to help get through the night. Some of her co-workers don't, but I assume they are very tired the first night.

Good luck - Greg
I work nights at a water plant. Something like utilities is a good area for night jobs since they have to be available 24/7. The one drawback is that when things go wrong, you're on your own. Things have to be pretty serious before you can justify getting repair crews, electricians, etc. to come out in the middle of the night.
I have a campus job working nights for security. Basically it allows us students to be the eyes and the ears of the UPD.
It's important to have blackout blinds in your bedroom so you can sleep in the dark. Having a connected bathroom that is also dark is important if you need to get up and use the toilet. Even a few seconds of sunlight will wake you up too much.
That's not a problem. I already tend to stay up till the wee hours and then wake up at 2 pm, so it shouldn't bother me to adapt to a night job.
I work security at a large hospital from 12 am to 8 am. Thats when all the crazies come out. I also get to play with my lights. I keep my surefire E1L, G2 and M3, and Inova X5 and X1 on my belt and my AE powerlight and Mag 85 near by with my 15MCP Thor in my vehicle.
I keep a cellular telephony network running smoothly. I monitor the network, find and solve problems and coordinate external parties doing regular maintenance and troubleshooting on the network.

Our department is working 24/7, 365 days a year. The only time there is no one there is when the building is being evacuated, and when that happens, we can be setup at our backup location within an hour.

We work in a 10 day cycle, 2 earlyshifts, 2 lateshifts, 2 nightshifts, 4 days off (effectivly 3 days off, as 1 is usually wasted sleeping after the nightshift).

I'm in the office most of the time, but occasionally I assist the field engineers on location, or join the guys from security on their night rounds. (tssss, and they thought magchargers were bright)