Anyone else looking forward to winter?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 29, 2008
I think my flashlight addiction is getting out of control :ohgeez:
Can't wait for it here in PA. I just love using my warm incandescents during a cold, snowy night.
I am looking forward to cold mornings with a light mist on the paths and fields around my town and the long winter nights are a must, another thing that cannot be beeten is how fresh the air seems no more stuffy and humid day's or night's.

It has to be the best time of the year
not me!

it doesnt even feel like summer here yet. but im a wimp to the cold, southern cali weather has spoiled me.

50 degrees??? omg thats freezing!
When it gets below 80F (62C) in the afternoon it will practically feel like winter... but won't be near dark enough to satisfy a flashaholic. What every flashaholic really needs is hours and hours and hours of darkness in a place with no ambient light.
I am looking forward to winter also. Got some new lights, but not enough darkness to play with them. It's like daylight from 6 am to 9 or so pm, and it's just so hot right now. I much prefer cooler weather.
Yep I know I am. My mother needs the grass cut and I said I would do it. Now it is way too hot outside to do it during the day. I guess I could do it at 6am but neighbors might say something or complain, so my only other choice is 9pm or so. Here is my setup and I have not tried this before. I do not know why it would not work. I left the tailcap and head uncovered just in case I need to change brightness or RCR123s. The light is a 4Sevens Quark 123 X2 tactical. It is programmed for medium and hi. I will let you know how it did and also get beamshots of this in use.


I am! I would rather blow snow then cut grass any day. Plus the sun goes down alot earlier.
i wonder if during summer months, wearing sunglasses (during the day) and using a flashlight to find our way would satisfy our cravings ??

or would people just think us crazy?

Always. I hate the summer and love the cold dark winter nights.

This summer has been brutally hot.
winter, for lots of reasons. summer is too hot, too full of insects, too light, and too sweaty. Too easy to see what you're doing. Neighbours having parties. Disorder, drunks, sports events and people everywhere.

winter has some dramatic weather, snowscapes, dark, empty,atmospheric nights, and that whiff of breath that condenses in your torchlight as you stalk your pray.

Winter rules!
I love winter in Australia, it's cold but not too cold where it starts snowing or anything, summer with daily 90-110F temperature sucks horribly. Also my incans get another use(hand warmers) :D.
I think about how I will like winter several times a day. It is hot day and night where I live. After fifteen minutes, my dog tells me that she wants to go home when I take her for walks at night. After less than five minutes, my incandescent light tells me to turn it off or it will burn my hand. I will welcome winter.
Can't wait, but then again I prefer just about everything about the winter. Sure, it changes the scenery and I wouldn't want it to always be winter, but the cool crisp air is great, I love the snow, I prefer outdoor activities in the winter.... I could go on.
OK the grass is cut. Here are some beam shots.

This is the light on the mower frame Quark 123 X2 on hi

Same shot with Quark 123 reg on hi clipped on my Summit Racing cap

Now here is a shot towards the mower

Same shot with Quark clipped on my hat

Over all it worked very well. The Quark 123 X2 Tactical had AW RCR123s in it and the Quark 123 had an AW IMR 123 cell in it. I had both lights on hi for an hour. When I was done both lights were rather hot to the touch but not in a way that would burn you, but rather warm. The batteries inside were cool when I removed them. Thanks to 357mag1 for letting me borrow the charger and batteries to use and test out.
I hate winter I wish it was 85 to 90 365 days a year my 2 cents worth!
Bring on winter! (like it's going to change the weather much) More time to test out some new lights other than waiting forever for it to get dark out.
This thread made me so anxious it's not even funny...

Winter = Power outages (around here)

Power outages = Justifiable usage of over a dozen 18650's

Last winter we were without power for over a week, and I put countless cycles on all my lights. At the time the power came back on, I was cold, bearded, and all my batteries were dead...but I was still happy for some odd reason. I guess it was either because I finally got to use all my lights at once, or because I was now everyone's "friend" and not "that weird guy that's always shining lights outside"...