anyone else play megamillions tonight? what will u do if u win?


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
me id make many milliinaires. seeing others happy would be so fun. id get a mazda 3 and build a crazy small house on the ocean it will be huricane proff and the walls will be like 3 feet thick steel with great insultaion
yes played im not sure if i won im kind of nervess to look id hate to be out 2 bucks
I played last time. I bought a bunch of tickets, and got back $12.
I planned on playing tonight, but had to wait for a plumber to do some work and later forgot.
If no one won tonight, then I'll try again.

If I won all that money, I don't know what I would do.
i just dream about going to a grocery store and i can buy anythings with out even looking at the price. id also go to nyc to that famous deli.
it would be so cool to make others happy pay off there house let them retire early.
If I won all that money, I don't know what I would do.
Same here. I'm so used to living frugally that at this point I don't even think I'd be able to fake living lavishly. I'd buy my brother, sister, and niece nice retirements, then bankroll whatever dreams they might have. And I'd do some upgrades to the house. Beyond that, I have no idea.
i got one number correct lol damn a fool and there money is soon parted and thats me
Image 8-3-22 at 10.15 AM.jpg

Does anyone know if these two numbers account for the total amount of money raised through ticket sales?

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