Anyone have problems with Fenix lights?

Hawaiian Fire

Newly Enlightened
Jul 11, 2007
This is my first post so here goes...

Has anyone had any problems with the tail switches on their Fenix lights?

I purchased a P3D after reviewing the various threads on the forum. After a few weeks the light would not turn on consistently. Sometimes there would be no illumination at all, sometimes it would be very dim (while in the highest setting). I sent the light back and was told that the switch was defective and that they are sending a new flashlight and including an extra tail switch. I can't figure out why they might feel it necessary to include an additional switch.
My P3D Rebel messed about, but one I cleaned the switch threads and contact area all was OK.
I have 4 of them and I've never had a problem with a Fenix. They might not have the same cool factor as a surefire but in my personal experience they've been a more reliable light...just an observation I've noticed.
It's possible to get a bad light from anyone. If you read around you see even companies like Surefire have reports of bad tail caps, etc.

As long as you buy from a good dealer they will take care of the problem quickly for you.
The only problems I have had with Fenix were the occassional bad tint. I have never had any actual malfunctions. As WadeF said problems can happen with any manufacturer. If you bought it from the fenix-store then maybe they are just sending you the new tactical tailcap to make up for your troubles.
My P2D has changed modes on its own sometimes, and sometimes not light up at all. Have tried to clean the threads, that have helped a day or two. when the head are unscrewed a bit, the connection is thru the threads, and it seems like their a bit loose. Will try to clean the threads and apply another lube (nanolube). The threads get a bit messy after just a day or two with nyogel. Thats the only trouble I have had with my Fenix lights!
i have an L1 with a clicky that no longer works - still functional as a twisty. my lop-se is still going strong.

My P3D-CE is acting strange when the battery are low. I do not see any flickering but the light stop working, that's all.
I've had several L1P's, a couple of L1T's, an L2P, 2 L1D's, etc. not once I've had a switch fail (or any other failure, for that matter).
I've had what I would consider lots of Fenix lights, and never a switch failure.

Fenix has a tendency to ship the lights with the tail switch retaining ring a little looser than I think it should be, and this can lead to it loosening up even more and no longer making contact as it should.

Whenever someone has a switch problem, the retaining ring is the first thing they should check.
I've had a dozen Fenix lights, split 50/50 between twisties and clickies. Not a problem with any of them, and pretty good tints all around, so far.

I do make a point of tightening the retaining rings in the heads and tails of Fenixes (and all other flashlights) when I first get them; but except for the first 1 or 2, the Fenixes were all pretty tight out of the box.
I had to replace the tailcap on my L1P. It would occasionally not turn on. It was only about 2 years old when this happened.
My L1D came with a switch that sometimes didn't work right ... Once clicked on, it wouldn't click back off unless I played with the switch a bit. Got another one from 4 Sevens, but it's starting to act up also.
I haven't had any problems with any Fenix lights, but do have one slight gripe about the heads not having the tightest of fit with the body.
A friend's year-old L2T died earlier this summer. I don't think he experienced any erratic behavior beforehand; it just quit working. He recently got it repaired under warranty from Fenix via the online vendor, so he was out only a few bucks for shipping.
I bought a L2T last year. The switch did not work properly and the vendor replaced it. I have had no problems since then but have not used it much since it is an emergency light in my pack (I usually have a headlamp with me when I am hiking after dark).