I'm looking at one of the models that has a crennelated bezel, also known as a strike bezel for breaking glass or using as a weapon. I'm concerned about the reaction at an airline security point with the name (Striker defender) causing implications, and the perhaps growing awareness that one could severely injure a fellow passenger or crew with this bezel.
In addition, there's a possibility a person running the X ray machine may take umbrage with the wiring, heat sinks and circuit board inside of what's (cough) supposed to be a mere flashlight. As in "Sir, could you explain to me why a simple penlight needs all this additional circuitry,....zactly??" "And you say it has some kinda disabling strobe function to disorient an attacker? Hmm - starting to not only look like a weapon (crennellated head), but sound like one too.. Better come with me" Great way to start a trip with the family - watch Daddy get dragged off to an interrogation room about his high performance flashlight.
So. Has anyone had issues like this come up while traveling? I'd rather not be the first to lose a $100 high output flashlight to the numbnuts running many airport security gates.
In addition, there's a possibility a person running the X ray machine may take umbrage with the wiring, heat sinks and circuit board inside of what's (cough) supposed to be a mere flashlight. As in "Sir, could you explain to me why a simple penlight needs all this additional circuitry,....zactly??" "And you say it has some kinda disabling strobe function to disorient an attacker? Hmm - starting to not only look like a weapon (crennellated head), but sound like one too.. Better come with me" Great way to start a trip with the family - watch Daddy get dragged off to an interrogation room about his high performance flashlight.
So. Has anyone had issues like this come up while traveling? I'd rather not be the first to lose a $100 high output flashlight to the numbnuts running many airport security gates.