Anyone Use TurboTax?


Mar 29, 2002
Gloucester, New Jersey
For years, I've utilized the services of H&R Block for my tax preparations and filing. This year, I decided to pick up a copy of TurboTax Premium. I choose the Premium version, since it handles various employee stock options, shares and stock purchase programs that our company provided.

So, does anyone use TurboTax?
dad used it for years he stil loses it but we lost his last years returns so it was a mes not sure what he had to do.had a hardrive failer
I've used it for a few years without any issues. Just make sure you backup your files to disk or another drive.
I've used it quite a few years. Sometimes it's a bit unhelpfull, but that's when you want to go to their forums and ask questions. You don't want to wait until the last minute to get started. Give yourself some time to work out anything that isn't clear.
I've used it for well over ten years, and have never encountered a tax problem with it. Every few years or so I recognize a missing feature it ought to have for convenience, but as far as tax handling is concerned I don't see how it could be improved. You can't go wrong with TurboTax.
Thanks. I installed it and filled out all the personal information. Now, as soon as I get my W2, I'll get rolling. I don't want to wait until the last minute, just in case I run into over-whelming issues, I'll have time to seek a professional.
Our taxes are fairly simple. (I really need an investment property or two) So, the first time I used it in 2005 it was a little irritating having to answer all those questions. But when I was done Turbo Tax found something that saved me $18.00. It made me think that those questions were worth the time.

The first year it took almost an hour because I was going very slowly and meticulously. Last year it took about 30 minutes. I trust it now.

Long years back I was audited. Luckily I had my records filed away. I just filled out the form and submitted the documentation. They sent me a check for about $70.00. Then they sent requests for the previous two years. I did the same thing. They sent me two more checks. I don't know that the $210.00 was worth the stress but I learned a little. I don't really know what causes the different flags or how the lottery works but for some reason I feel less likely to get audited since I'm filing electronically by using Turbo Tax. If they do audit again it's nice to know that I can respond very quickly with electronic documentation.

While you are using the software it will begin to calculate what your return is and displays it as you process. That's pretty cool, I guess.

Anybody have to use a flashlight for work? I wonder how they'd feel about a $125.00 deduction for a flashlight.
Have any of you tried the TurboTax online for free? If you taxes are fairly simple, you can file online and do your taxes for free. I did mine in a hour or so and have already submitted them. Hopefully, I will get my refund back before the Shot Show.
I used it last year and I felt very good about it. A few months after I received my refunds, my father in-law who is an accountant wanted to look our taxes over. Looks like I missed some stuff that I should have included and ended up filing to get the rest of my refund back. Ended up getting another $3200. back. Its good to have my father in law around.
Have any of you tried the TurboTax online for free? If you taxes are fairly simple, you can file online and do your taxes for free. I did mine in a hour or so and have already submitted them. Hopefully, I will get my refund back before the Shot Show.

I have used TurboTax online as well. The free site is: Intuit Tax Freedom