ARC LS tri-rebel build *new finish*


Sep 25, 2008
Troutman, NC
I hope someone finds this interesting:tinfoil:

I recently acquired a used and buggy first run Arc LS from another member with the intent to fix it up and modernize the engine.

I decided to go with a tri- rebel star with warm white rebels. 330 lumens at 700ma with a max at 1amp (3100k color:naughty:). Haven't seen it done yet so I thought it would be unique.

Carclo triple optic (narrow)

Tri-flupic (standard UI)

First thing, take apart the Arc. Wasn't easy! The head is locked with red threadlocker. Took some a little heat and a lot of muscle to break it free. Popped the engine off and cleaned the threads with acetone.

I fit the tri-star and optic in the head and it fits good with some extra room to make a small heatsink (the triple optic is a little shorter than the original, which is a plus). Basically I will make a bigger threaded retaining ring with a smaller hole for the wires. I just have to wait until I get the tri-flupic board (should be today or tomorrow) so I know exactly how much room I have to make the sink.

Its not a complicated build at all, the hard part is done: taking the head apart, which I assume is not meant to be..


opened up:

some of the new parts:

When the flupic arrives I will show you how I'll attach it.
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Re: ARC LS tri-rebel build

If the new optic is shorter, why not shave the emitter off the original driver and epoxy the Endor star on top of it? Is the old driver inefficient, or something?
Re: ARC LS tri-rebel build

The original board had some issues, and wasn't powerfull enough. Not to mention it fell apart upon removal.. The tri-flupic will give me modes:)
Re: ARC LS tri-rebel build

Looks set to be a classic build! Very nice for an ARC LS lover like me.

Will you try to increase the water resistance - as you know the old First Runs were not waterproof like modern lights.

Can you believe this little light is over eight or nine years old??

Re: ARC LS tri-rebel build

Yes, I want to waterproof this one. I may try an o-ring in between the optic and the bezel, or maybe a mineral glass lens on top of the optic and then a o-ring between the glass and the bezel. I tried an o-ring in between the bezel and the body and it works, you just see it. If I can find some clear o-rings it may look ok..

Wow, 8 or 9 years.. Sounds long on paper but I can remember y2k like it was yesterday:rolleyes:
Re: ARC LS tri-rebel build

Cool, great idea! Can't wait to see the completion of it!


Send me your address & I will donate a mineral glass lens for your project that will fit the First Run.
Re: ARC LS tri-rebel build

Thanks Will! Nice of you, but no need to donate i'll pay ya!
Re: ARC LS tri-rebel build

Thanks Will! Nice of you, but no need to donate i'll pay ya!

No worries, shipped today. Hope you are able to fit it in along with the rest of the light engine components.
Re: ARC LS tri-rebel build

Awsome Idea,

I am inspired to try it also!

Anyone have a host Arc to sell?

Please keep us updated to your progress.A list of where you sourced your part would be great.

Keep up the great work.
Re: ARC LS tri-rebel build

Didn't get any parts today, but still made progress...

I cut the threads out of the inside of the head. This way, the heatsink will have better transfer to the body.

Also started to make the heatsink. It is a little long right now, and will need to be shortened. Once I get the board, I will epoxy it to the bottom of the heatsink (with thermal epoxy).




*Cheers to will, sending me a glass lens, wouldn't take any $ for it :thumbsup:
Re: ARC LS tri-rebel build

Toby, i'll have lots of beamshots when its done :thumbsup:..

fyrstormer, its basic stuff, any local machinist shouldn't charge more than 10$ to do that...
Re: ARC LS tri-rebel build

What a great mod! I was looking at my LS First Run the day before I saw this thread, and I was wondering what could be done with it. I'm going to have to give this mod a shot. Where did you get the star and the optic? Will you be using thermal epoxy between the star and the heat sink?

Thank you!
Re: ARC LS tri-rebel build

You can get stars and optics at Its in Canada, but shipping is quick... I was thinking of just using thermal compound because it all tightens up when you screw down the bezel. But i'll use AA epoxy if I have any left just to make sure it doesn't move.
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Re: ARC LS tri-rebel build

Got all the parts......

I cut the heatsink down, wired up the flupic, and epoxied the flupic to the bottom of the sink.

I epoxied the star to the top of the sink, then hooked the wires up. I used AA for everything, figured since I had it...

I found an o-ring that fit in the top (and thanks to Darkzero for the glass) put the glass in, put a little thermal compound around the sink and slid the rest in. For the bezel threads I used thermal compound (its the silicone based one so it should be good for water resistance in this area.

I put an aw rcr123 inside, closed her up and..... It works!! The color is awesome and bright!. I have to figure out the settings of the tri-flupic now. *I'll have beamshots up soon.






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