ArcAA scratch resistance?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 2, 2007
Is there any way to prevent the head of an Arc AA from collecting lint and dust? This is quite annoying for me,as I otherwise love my Arc AA.

This pic is a pic of where I'm describing on my Arc.(the very front,that is.)
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I just clean mine whenever I think about it. It doesn't affect beam quality too much to have a little lint on there.
I just clean mine whenever I think about it. It doesn't affect beam quality too much to have a little lint on there.

Yes, clean it by all means. Mine was cleaned recently, and dried too. Full clothes wash and dry cycles. Never saw the reflector look so clean. LED looked clean, too. Used Costco brand liquid detergent.

On a side note: I always take my Arc AA out of my pants pocket before I wash my Cabelas cargo pants. Should I try washing my pants with my Arc AA still inside? (or am I crazy for thinking this..)
Your Arc will only sit there and laugh at your washing machine. I prefer a little warm water and a toothpick for more controlled cleaning.
Your Arc will only sit there and laugh at your washing machine. I prefer a little warm water and a toothpick for more controlled cleaning.

Me too. I must admit that I had accidentally washed my Arc AAA P two times and my newer DS 1X. When you use a really small flashlight as a backup EDC there is always that risk. I would rather have this happen accidentally ever so often, than not take the light with me daily.

Me too. I must admit that I had accidentally washed my Arc AAA P two times and my newer DS 1X. When you use a really small flashlight as a backup EDC there is always that risk. I would rather have this happen accidentally ever so often, than not take the light with me daily.


Why not just give up and have it happen on purpose, instead? :D
Why not just give up and have it happen on purpose, instead? :D

Why? I do it so often accidentally that it always remains clean. Actually, did it yesterday, but this time no dry cycle. Caught it early after wash cycle. Wife said, "Bill do you have anything to wash? I've need to wash this bra and don't want to wash it alone". Well, I said, "Yes, I always need to wash something". So I jumped up and grabbed some dirty clothes, and the shirt I had just taken off in the kitchen when it got to warm, then threw them in the washer. Of course my Arc AAA was in a pocket in that one shirt. Light works fine, and reflector is spotless.
