Are There Any Neutral/Warm White Lights despite the ones with 5A tint?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 22, 2006
Well the title pretty much covers my question :)

To me, the 5A tint seems to be a bit too red. Unfortunately, whenever a manufacturer actually produces a light in neutral/warm white then it's this tint.

I managed to mod a Fenix P1 with a SSC P4 high CRI and I love it. However, my modding skills are very limited and now I'm searching for a "high-quality" warm white flashlight that is not 5A tint.
Unfortunately, without success so far ... partly because my budged is limited (<=100$), too.

Any ideas, please? :help:

In my experience the LEDs that have the "pink" tints actually have the best color rendering (not on a white wall). It basically means that the only absent part of the spectrum is the cyan region in between the 450nm blue, and the phosphor emission. If a white LED appears "white" on a white wall, it means it is both deficient in cyan AND red. Since these colors are complements to each other, the tint will appaer white, but if you illuminate an object containing a lot of red in it, it will provide poorer rendition.

I've found the actual "warm" white lights in the 7A/7B range (not neutral white) look almost exactly like halogen lamps, that is yellow. I actaully have one in my old LF2x. But I don't know of anyone selling warm white LEDs in a finished product. The few that sell neutral LEDs call them "warm", so I don't konw what they'd call a warm LED...
5B trades away some of the redness for a little more yellow. In reality 5A looks pretty neutral, it just looks red compared to blue tints. Maybe you'd like a 3A tint better.
I have a light modded with a 3A, and i love its tint for general use. Much whiter than 5A, and seems to show greens a little more naturally than the 5A. I love my 5A lights for outdoors, but I do like the 3A better overall.
if i recall right:
dereelight has q4 5b

lmini2 when its available again has q3 5c as option

and i do think that there are electronic stuff sellers that sell alot of different tint led emitters separately if you want to mod yourself.. (search for "warm 4000k" i think there are few links in that thread to look at)
Thanks for all the suggestions, guys!

if i recall right:
dereelight has q4 5b

From their website: "Buy 5A Q3 version will upgrade to 5B Q4 free."
So apparently you order the listed 5A version and recieve the 5B version ... hopefully.

NiteCore EZAA warm tint version is Q3 5B.
LiteFlux LF2XT is Q4 5C or 5D.

The EZAA could be worth a try as it is less expensive than a Dereelight.
Personally, I don't like AAA lights. If only they would offer the LF5XT with a similar tint.