Auroralite Hotwire availability


Newly Enlightened
Mar 24, 2010
South Brunswick, NJ
Is the Auroralite mod still available for purchase anywhere? If not, are there instructions available for how to build one yourself?

Failing all that, is there anything in a similar size or smaller that has an absurdly bright light for the size, even if battery life is only a few minutes?
Most LED lights made in the past 2 years will surpass the Auroralite in brightness, runtime, and will be smaller in size.
Is the Auroralite mod still available for purchase anywhere? If not, are there instructions available for how to build one yourself?

Failing all that, is there anything in a similar size or smaller that has an absurdly bright light for the size, even if battery life is only a few minutes?

The AuroraLite kit is just basically a ceramic pill to replace the plastic one and a metal reflector, along of course with the Streamlight TL-3. There were several problems associated with the kit, mainly the bulb not staying in the socket well and the pill fitting rather loosely. However there are fixes for these problems. I as well waited to long to purchase one and had to post a thread in the WTB section of CPFMP, it took me almost 2 months but a member hooked me up with a kit he was no longer using. My suggestion would be to do the same thing.

As for the LED mods, these are great too. I also have a Mini with the TerraLux TLE-5EX which makes a nice beam and will run for about 2 and half hours on Eneloops. I use the Aurora Mag as more of a vanity light, or a shelf queen if you will.
Can you buy a ceramic pill that would work in the 2xAA magnum?

AuroraLite made the only ceramic pills I've ever seen for the MiniMag, and they went out of production a couple years back. So if it were me I would post in the WTB section amd hope you get lucky.
I'll do that. It's a shame the kit isn't available anymore. Thanks for the info.

Yea it really is. Its a neat little kit, my dad expressed interest in mine not long after I built mine, him not being a patient person didn't want to wait for someone else to come forward with the parts lol. :rolleyes: So good luck with your search.

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