Flashlight Enthusiast
From Today's Hampton Autobeat Daily:
Toyota will set up a 50-person battery research department this month to develop a new battery to significantly outperform current lithium-ion cells.
I'm sure every battery manufacturer and some other automotive companies are already working on this (as Toyota is too, they have a joint venture with Matsushita Electric Industrial (Panasonic) to work on battery research and manufacturing) but it still got me thinking about how the drive toward hybrid and electric cars is being accelerated by recent increasing fuel costs. Then of course, I began to wonder if maybe soon my dream of a 1x RCR123 light with two hour run time at 200+ Lumens would be helped along by increasing battery life in addition to the currently increasing LED efficiency. Will we soon have a breakthrough that will dramatically increase battery life like we had with LEDs a over a year ago?
Toyota will set up a 50-person battery research department this month to develop a new battery to significantly outperform current lithium-ion cells.
I'm sure every battery manufacturer and some other automotive companies are already working on this (as Toyota is too, they have a joint venture with Matsushita Electric Industrial (Panasonic) to work on battery research and manufacturing) but it still got me thinking about how the drive toward hybrid and electric cars is being accelerated by recent increasing fuel costs. Then of course, I began to wonder if maybe soon my dream of a 1x RCR123 light with two hour run time at 200+ Lumens would be helped along by increasing battery life in addition to the currently increasing LED efficiency. Will we soon have a breakthrough that will dramatically increase battery life like we had with LEDs a over a year ago?