This is probably crazy, BUT... a local shop still has a couple of 6P LEDs for $66.95. I got my first S-F, one of those lights, last week. They have all of the other S-F stuff at pennies off of the regular mail order/retail prices everyone else has - just the 'deal' on these 6P LEDs (6P or G2 LED is $59). I had thought about a backup for my car - and, I have ~$75 play money left for the month, so, another 6P LED and pair of spares would likely be OTD at $75, like the first one. As much as I like this light - and it's run time - it seems like a great idea - one for the house & one for my Jeep. I am also considering a Fenix T1, but my first Fenix, that 4n1 set, hasn't arrived yet, so I have yet to 'handle' a PRC Fenix light. I am also wondering if this 6P will served double duty as a base for a hyper/turbo/super future drop-in, as it seems so well made. Ideas? Suggestions?
John (aka 'Stainz')
John (aka 'Stainz')