Bay Area Get-Together *DATE CHANGED TO 12/06/09*


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 16, 2004
Bay Area, CA

Friends, it have been a while since we had a get together in the South Bay.
It was a definitely a busy summer for many of us. Yep we missed the camping trip and more. But, I would like to wrap up the year with an opportunity to see all our friends again.

The final date is Sunday December 6th. The timeframe would be 2PM-10PM.
Hopefully with this meet into the Fall season it makes it easier for everyone to schedule and attend and it will not be too disruptive of our xmas shopping.

As with earlier mod-fest, all my tools will be available at your disposal. Including: lathe, mill, grinder, meters, solder station if you want to mod anything during the meet.

As for attendees & food, this is what we have
modamag: Korean BBQ and spring rolls enough for 1/2 the group only
PCC: dim sum - we can single point tap the 5/8"-28 if time permits
gswitter: veggie appetizer
elumen8: King eggrolls
bigchelis: carne asada (something grilled n yummy)
deranged_coder n fam (maybe)
marschw: chocolate chip cookies
weedle256 & shedevil: desert
kramer5150 with bro n wifey (maybe)
unnerv n kevin
KeyGrip (maybe): lemonade & soda
Aircraft800 (next round)
PaulB n fam
JimH: tuna salad (look now you just eliminated 1/2 of the attendees for not having Jim's famous beans J/K)
Alan B
Nanomiser: I think I still have the jig for finning around if not we can make a quick one.
monanza: shish-kabobs
F250XLT: King eggroll (can u change to ... shrimp ball since elumen8 got the eggrolls)

If you plan to bring a dish please make a post of what you're bringing so there's no duplicate.

If you're interested in dropping by, please make a post here for reservation (so I know how much food to get), and what type of mod will you be doing (so I can prepare the tooling and parts).

BTW: If you don't know my address and number by now drop me a PM.

The x-street is Aborn/Ruby in Evergreen, San Jose
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Re: *** Bay Area Get-Together 12/12/09 ***


I'll have to see how much schoolwork I have around that time.

PM inbound.
Re: *** Bay Area Get-Together 12/12/09 ***

I'll definitely drop by for at least part of it.

I suspect my wife's company holiday party will be that night, so I have no idea if she or my daughter will tag along.

I'll probably bring desert of some kind - will clarify later.
(Changed my mind, I'll be bringing some sort of veggie appetizer.)

As far as mods... I have no machining experience, but if the machinery can accommodate it and someone wants to help/supervise/ridicule, I'd like to try boring out the inner diameter of my Leupold MX incan bezel so it can accept aftermarket P60 drop-ins. I'm also hoping to have the Harbor Freight Tire Checker back together by then, and would love to try to bore out the battery tube for 18mm cells.
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Re: *** Bay Area Get-Together 12/12/09 ***

It's a Saturday so we will be able to make it, though we will be a bit late as my children have piano lessons on Saturday afternoons in South SF.

I'll have to decide on what kind of food we can bring.

Do you have the ability to cut threads? I have been trying to have a threaded adapter made for a light that I have in the works but have not been able to find anyone who will do that for me. I can mill the slug ahead of time and get that all ready, just need the threads cut.
Re: *** Bay Area Get-Together 12/12/09 ***

I usually find these threads a day late. I'll definitely be there with a batch of King Eggrolls (yours are the yummy fresh rolls, these are the oh-so-bad-for-you fried egg rolls).

I'd love to try and put together a P7 or XP-G 2C mag mod. I also have a Stanley 3000 HID that I have some ideas for using the guts and creating something unique. I'll ask opinions from all of you when I see you there.

PM coming at ya for your address.


PS...this time I'll take photos and give them to one of you to post...I always forget.
Re: *** Bay Area Get-Together 12/12/09 ***

I will be there for sure. I will PM for actual address.

I can bring some "carne asada" for about 10+ people, but l will keep an eye on this thread to see if I need more.

I too have no machining experience, but would like to try boring some 2C Mags to fit IMR C cells. Maybe a 3C cut down super short to fit a single IMR C cell:candle:

Re: *** Bay Area Get-Together 12/12/09 ***

I'll try to make it with my family. We may have another Christmas party already for that evening, though. I'll need to confirm with my wife.
Re: *** Bay Area Get-Together 12/12/09 ***

There's a medium chance I'd be able to make it. If I can, I'd probably bring chocolate chip cookies. Only thing off the top of my head to work on is to extend the threading on the tailcap of a SS Ultrafire C3 so it can better fit a 14650.
Re: *** Bay Area Get-Together 12/12/09 ***

Hey it'll be good to see you again! Unless I get a shift change I should be able to make it. Sorry I never got a camping trip organized this summer. I do plan on putting together a night hike, just haven't figured out where or when yet.
Re: *** Bay Area Get-Together 12/12/09 ***

Shedevil and I will be there!

Got to see the new house...

We'll bring some sort of dessert or is that desert? Oh well, the eat'n kind :D
Re: *** Bay Area Get-Together 12/12/09 ***

HOT dawg!! I'd try and make it!! Not sure what my wife has planned for that day though. I might be able to convince my brother to bring his TK40:twothumbs... AFIAK there aren't too many of these in the south bay area.
Re: *** Bay Area Get-Together 12/12/09 ***

I wonder if a surefire e2e would accept a bore for 18650s
Re: *** Bay Area Get-Together 12/12/09 ***

I think I should be able to make it. It will be good to see you all again.
Re: *** Bay Area Get-Together 12/12/09 ***

That's a definite maybe. I'll have to check my finals schedule and such, but if I'm free on that weekend I will be there.
Re: *** Bay Area Get-Together 12/12/09 ***

I am going to have to miss yet another one of these get togethers. My wifes Christmas Party is that night. I will be keeping an eye out for the next night hike though.
Re: *** Bay Area Get-Together 12/12/09 ***

I plan to be there - this will be my first flashaholic gathering, and I am looking forward to meeting you all! I'll bring a few of my Malkoff lights, including the neutral white MD4. Probably will bring the camera as well (Nikon D300, flash, and some nice lenses.) Food, I'll have to think of something good.

PM sent for address.

Re: *** Bay Area Get-Together 12/12/09 ***

I always feel strange when there are forum get togethers, especially since I'm pretty young on this forum, it seems like you guys know each other pretty well. Have you guys been doing get togethers for long?
Re: *** Bay Area Get-Together 12/12/09 ***

hey TN.. I'm 17, and Ive been to only one get together! (and it was only with 6 people)

it was fun, so I'm hoping to go to this one.
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Re: *** Bay Area Get-Together 12/12/09 ***

Wow, you're only 11 mi. from San Jose Airport. Too bad Southwest doesn't have a direct flight there from Dallas! It's a 2 stop for me, 6hr. flight.

I'm definitely going to make one of your GTG's, probably not this one though. It was getting close to the end of the year, and I burned threw my vacation. (I work weekends) I wish I could be there!

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