Hi Luminescent - I know that Fenix's decision to produce LOD reb 80's instead of LOD 100's really twists your knickers, and I have to agree it is disappointing. I have to think there is a significant business reason for not doing so.
Hi Shakey,
Glad to hear that you are still pleased with your L0D Rebel 100 purchase, I rember well our original RB80 vs. RB100 converstations, so I would like to think you are happy with your decision, you were one of very few to get in on them.
(wish I had talked myself into one of the L0D-RB100s before the supply dried up) :sigh:
As to Fenix's strategy . . .
No mystery.
'significant business reason' =
more $$$$ 4 Fenix and
less PERFORMANCE 4 you.
Another way they insure more $$$$ for Fenix is to play stupid 'planned obsolescence' games. That's why you can't currently get a Rebel-100 even if you have the bucks in your hand and ARE willing to be RIPPED OFF by paying a 'premium' price to buy a light with a LED emitter that actually costs Fenix LESS money than they used to have to pay for lower performance parts a few years back.
I got the idea that Dave wasn't happy at all about that little deal you got from the dealer in Japan.
How dare that this guy in Japan buck the system, didn't he know that we are supposed to move at a snail's pace, making them buy the same light over and over and over again, to get only TINY TINY TINY improvements.
How dare he jump right straight to the Rebel-100!!!
Not that I am implying that Dave is happy with this game either, but I did get the distinct impression that he felt a little miffed that he had to deal with it, and this other store in Japan, 'cuts the line' and jumps ahead straight to the L0D Rebel-100.
You see, first you get the standard Luxeon version, then you get the CREE P4 edtion, then you get the Q2, then the Rebel-80, then maybe, just maybe, [if your lucky and beg enough], maybe we roll out the Rebel-100.
As an engineer, I like to design and build the BEST product that is possible given the budget available, and the Rebel-100 was possible and economical for Fenix to produce from DAY-1 when the parts first became available.
So it really pisses me off that Fenix has put playing these kinds of silly games ahead of just producing the best possible product that they can.
The one consolation I have is knowing that now that the word is out, Fenix will get their just deserts, because the WORST possible situation to be in, is having your customers know that a BETTER product is
just around the corner, because your sales will dry up overnight as customers hunker down and wait for the next version.
So to my fellow CPF members I can only say, DON'T BUY ANY OF THE FENIX REBEL-80 VERSIONS THEY ARE DELIBERATELY CRIPPLED RIPP-OFFS, and to my friends at Fenix I would say, hope you enjoy watching the L0D-RB80 and other RB80 version sales drop to near zero now that the word is out (until you fix this), and shame on you for even trying such a silly scam. :tsk:
The path open to Fenix to recover some credibility is simple; replace the RB80 models with RB100 models at the same price, and offer adjustments to anyone who did buy a RB80 model.