best keychain light?!


Newly Enlightened
Oct 9, 2007
alrightie folks once again i need your help spending my money, so which minnie keychain flashlight is best, keep in mind size is the factor, what is the best, smallest keychain light?? must be a keychain too :grin2:

go,go,go :devil:
alrightie folks once again i need your help spending my money, so which minnie keychain flashlight is best, keep in mind size is the factor, what is the best, smallest keychain light?? must be a keychain too :grin2:

go,go,go :devil:

I assume you have some favorites after reading the dozens of recent threads that already exist on this subject (with the identical question), right?? :poke:
Best for what? The best keychain light for me is the Arc AAA because it's tough, water proof, easy to operate one handed, and gives plenty of light for a long time. But it doesn't have 6 modes and use the latest emitter, nor is it the cheapest, so it might not be best for you.
I assume you have some favorites after reading the dozens of recent threads that already exist on this subject (with the identical question), right??

yes, i do, but im going for overall performance, not just one specific area, unlike other threads, im talking BEST overall performance from a small keychain
Best overall performance is pretty subjective and is subject to what criteria you seek.

I'd say Fenix L0D CE Q4 myself, tho the Liteflux LF2x (newly released) looks very promising.

It's true, we see this kind of question about once a week or more.

Please try and use search.
yes, i do, but im going for overall performance, not just one specific area, unlike other threads, im talking BEST overall performance from a small keychain

So, that takes several dozen threads and you're down to one or two dozen threads asking for the "best overall keychain light". Surely you have a favorite after reading those, right??
I have to admit, if you don't read all the posts, it can get pretty nutty trying to find out the best performance light, of any type.

Try getting more specific in what you want. Size, cell type, finish, switch type, location of manufacture, modes, beam pattern, etc.

It really is quite nuts. I still think search would have saved a lot of hassle, but I guess you need to figure out what you want in "overall performance".

Read through a couple threads of the same type, just try it for a bit before posting.

Like these:

This kind of thing shows up when searching for keychain.

You can then narrow it down more, using certain brands/models, or battery types.

You know, start at the beginning, get more info, then post if you need more info.
you cant label a "best" light, and there have been a few threads that have tried. Each light is different, based on your own preference, any one of the top keychain lights could be the best.

I think all the people who have posted above me about different needs in a light haven't gotten their hands on a Draco :party: LOL!! Seriously though, the Draco is an outstanding light and the pictures online don't do it justice. To see one in person is quite the experience. I love my Draco :twothumbs
I would take a Drake, or Draco (and then HA finish them) over an Arc-AA Premium, or any Fenix light of the same size.
I've never wanted anything beyond the two lights I've been using on my keychains for several years now. An ARC AAA-P for when size isn't as much of a concern, and a Photon II for when I want the smallest, lightest keychain in my pocket. Those two lights are the best for me based on cost, availability, runtime, and output. What is the best for another person can be very different.
My best keychain lights are fauxtons, because you can't beat their price/performance ratio.
However, if a more advanced light is required, I'd probably say Lummi Wee. I don't have one, but it's the one I'd get if I needed a keychain light with good performance.