Best LED light with super throw anyone...


Mar 14, 2007
Northwest Ohio
I need a good LED light that has super throw for use at work. I currently use the L2D-CE and the SF L2 but the throw is an issue. I have the Inova T3 but it is not bright enough. Any suggestion is highly appreciated.
I have checked the Malkoff Devices Maglite conversion. Excellent brightness and throw but too bulky for "easy carry " at work. But I will keep that in mind. Thanks gigbyt. Now for the aspherical lense mods... seems pretty good but I prefer ready made products unless absolutely necessary. Will check on the Lumapower D-mini.
I have a D-mini, but with the OP reflector. As of now, my Ultrafire C2 outthrows anything I own...including my old tl-3 incan. When I get the smooth reflector for the d-mini next week things may change, but I doubt it. The C2's larger bezel is set up to throw. I also believe the Lumapower M1 is a throw monster as well, not to mention the P4 verson of the Striker light that batteryjunction sells.

Good luck!
My D-Mini with plain reflector outthrows everything else I have. The center beam is about three times brighter (1.7 times the throw) than my P1D CE. It's hard to beat, and just about impossible to beat for the size, if that's any concern.

sims2k said:
Now for the aspherical lense mods... seems pretty good but I prefer ready made products unless absolutely necessary.

You can't find a build quality like Mac's lights in any stock light and no other Led-light will have such a throw.

I have build a smaller version and the throw is.....incredible:

Best regards

Look at the Lumapower M1 also. I think it throws just a little better than the D-Mini.
The only problem I see is that it's not an LED

riffraff said:
I'm surprised no one has suggested this light yet.

The Lumapower M1 and D-Mini, Ultrafire C2 all have amazing throw, but the asperical lense Mag or simular flashlight will put eather one to shame.

I think the Tank Light still hold the title of longest throw.
Gunner12 said:
The only problem I see is that it's not an LED

And that's the only problem! :laughing:
But man, I want one. The third beamshot is friggin hilarious!:D