Best LED thrower period?


Nov 21, 2008
Northern Minnesota
Im looking for the brightest, hightest output, strictly farthest throwing LED light on the market! A thrower will be its main and sole purpose. Not a versitale, flexible, multi light. Just raw BEAUTIFUL throw.... Also not a gigantic light. What you guys and gals got??
I don't really know if they are the best, but the Dereelight DBS V2, Tiablo A9/A10, and RaidFire Spear come to mind as being solid throwers.
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Well by on the "market" i guess i ment a commonly sold light. Im talkin like Jetbeam, Olight, Dereelight etc. Does that make more sense? I have an EDC and i just really need the best thrower i can find commonly. So i guess to answer your question... no not the best period.
To be truely honest I dont know much about moding lights. I have been trying to learn all that i can on this site but its a lot to bite off and chew. I would guess u understand what i mean. I would assume not all of you started of as einsteins of the flashlight world when you started... right? So im open to ideas i guess. :)
To be truely honest I dont know much about moding lights. I have been trying to learn all that i can on this site but its a lot to bite off and chew. I would guess u understand what i mean. I would assume not all of you started of as einsteins of the flashlight world when you started... right? So im open to ideas i guess. :)
I know what you mean! I found this site 1 year ago and after spending 1 to 3 hours a day here I'm just starting to figure things out. But the various forums are filled with the nicest,most helpful people you could meet! Allow me to give you my opinion.I purchased a Dereelight DBS V2 back last spring and I never regretted it.Some owners claim it throws 400 metres.Myself, I find it useful from 250 to 300 metres.You can upgrade the emitter as better led's are developed.Currently there is a R2(throw) and a MC-E(lots of spill,verybright,not as much throw)availible.Not having to buy a new flashlight everytime a better LED is developed is great,but the quality is it's best feature.You might also consider the new Tiablo A10 with the R2 emitter.:welcome:
Ya I would agree that the Dereelight looks pretty awesome. Although I have noticed that on there website the R2 pill is always sold out. Anybody know if this is common and how long it usually takes for them to get more?
Ya I would agree that the Dereelight looks pretty awesome. Although I have noticed that on there website the R2 pill is always sold out. Anybody know if this is common and how long it usually takes for them to get more?

It is not always sold out, but the have difficult acquiring the R2. When they get a batch, it will be available again.
So im open to ideas i guess. :)

An Aspheric Mag is not too difficult to make. You get an LED dropin for a normal C or D Maglite, take out the reflector, and replace the window with an aspheric lens. Then twist the head to focus, and there you have it.
I cannot recommend the mag aspheric Q5 enough if you can cope with the size of a 3D mag. It really is phenomenal!


And then there's the DEFT - I know, I know you were only talking about commonly manufactured lights, but have you SEEN the DEFT?!!!!
It looks like i might have to add the DEFT to my inventory. But honestly was looking for something just a wee smaller i guess. Maybe i should have adjusted my original post. Looking in the Olight M20, Jetbeam, A9 size range. Which out of this size range throws the farthest??

You really need to be careful on this forum. Since I joined, these good people have made me poor.

When I joined: Surefire 6P in an Elzetta mount on my AR-15.

Now: Surefire 6P with a Z49 clicky cap and a surefire blue filter with a Malkoff M60 and a LaRue Tactical 606 QD mount on a KAC RAS M5 rail.

A blazing difference of:

Surefire 6P=$80
Elzetta mount=$30


Same surefire+
KAC rail=$440 w/panels
Filter $20

My point is, if you buy factory, you will never be happy with all these quality aftermarket parts around and you will just end up buying twice and spending that much more money. Go for it, cry over the cost, get over it, and never look back.
The aspheric set ups are cool, but I didn't find myself using mine that often. I really don't care for the beam, and I already have a hard enough time finding wide open distances where my regular throwers (DBS, Spear) can't reach as far as needed. Just driving around here I have a hard time finding a stretch of field that is over 700-800 feet before there is a tree line, and the DBS/Spear does fine at that range. You also get a nice round beam with usable spill.

I'd recommend the Dereelight DBS V2. While a lot of the throwers are close in real world use, I find the DBS the easiest to upgrade, reconfigure, and carry. I can just put it in my jeans pocket and it has a great clip to hold it in place. I don't find the Spear nearly as comfortable. The Tiablo A10 looks bigger and bulkier, but I haven't handle one yet. There continues to be upgrades for the DBS, R2 pills, MC-E Pills (not for throw) and hopefully in the future there will be continued upgrades available.

I'd recommend the DBS V2, get set up with some quality 18650 batteries (at least one) and a charger (recommend AW brand available on cpfmp in the dealers section), and get a digital pill like the 3SD, 2SD, 1SD, etc that drives the Q5 or R2 Cree at 1.2A. Enjoy the light until an even better pill is available in the future.
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+1 thanks wadef.
That was very helpful information. Its just really frusterating that everytime i look on there site the r2 is sold out. It looks like the best thrower. I have owned a sunlite eagle turbo and it was the best flashlight I ever owned. It was way too bright to use close up in turbo mode. I beleve they under rate there lumens. I lost it of course :banghead: because the size. They have a 8w watt far projection light which uses a really cool finned head and all the heads are interchangeable and the best part is its rechargeable and it fits in your pocket. I have owned a sunlite eagle turbo and it was the best flashlight I ever owned. It was way too bright to use close up in turbo mode. I beleve they under rate there lumens. I lost it of course :banghead: because the size. They have a 8w watt far projection light which uses a really cool finned head and all the heads are interchangeable and the best part is its rechargeable and it fits in your pocket.

I will be getting the 2200mAh 8w from them, so I'll let you guys know how it is. I think it will have to be after Christmas though....

I'm kind of glad someone else mentioned the Sunlite lights. They are not a well known company, but put out a high quality product. And their customer service is great.:thumbsup:
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