The aspheric set ups are cool, but I didn't find myself using mine that often. I really don't care for the beam, and I already have a hard enough time finding wide open distances where my regular throwers (DBS, Spear) can't reach as far as needed. Just driving around here I have a hard time finding a stretch of field that is over 700-800 feet before there is a tree line, and the DBS/Spear does fine at that range. You also get a nice round beam with usable spill.
I'd recommend the Dereelight DBS V2. While a lot of the throwers are close in real world use, I find the DBS the easiest to upgrade, reconfigure, and carry. I can just put it in my jeans pocket and it has a great clip to hold it in place. I don't find the Spear nearly as comfortable. The Tiablo A10 looks bigger and bulkier, but I haven't handle one yet. There continues to be upgrades for the DBS, R2 pills, MC-E Pills (not for throw) and hopefully in the future there will be continued upgrades available.
I'd recommend the DBS V2, get set up with some quality 18650 batteries (at least one) and a charger (recommend AW brand available on cpfmp in the dealers section), and get a digital pill like the 3SD, 2SD, 1SD, etc that drives the Q5 or R2 Cree at 1.2A. Enjoy the light until an even better pill is available in the future.