best oscars ever!!!

Title update: "Fakest Oscars Ever!"

Staged in my opinion. A real slap will knock a man out. And look at Chris Rock sticking his face waaaaay out there for WS to smack. Fake, but effective.
Interesting read.
Interesting but I don't think race needs to be brought into this too. It was just a spoiled rich man having a temper tantrum because that's how rich people are. Being black doesn't have anything to do with it and saying so is looking for trouble where it isn't needed
Interesting but I don't think race needs to be brought into this too. It was just a spoiled rich man having a temper tantrum because that's how rich people are. Being black doesn't have anything to do with it and saying so is looking for trouble where it isn't needed
I made it to the second paragraph and stopped reading.
If Kareem wants to make it about skin tone, what brand of watch they wear who's shirt they were wearing I don't care. That's on him. I just saw it as a funny man cracked a joke in poor taste (presuming he knew of the medical condition before hand) and another man defended his wife.

But that alternative universe video was cute as a baby panda.
im betting people in pycholdgy schools will be talking about this for years . i understand both view points as a man id protect a loved one from being hurt. but also id hope id use words not hands
Just my opinion here, but I think this was all staged. As someone pointed out, Chris Rock stuck his face out. Will Smith slapped it, but Chris didn't seem phased by it. He didn't even move an inch from where he was standing. I have no doubt contact was made but very minimal. And then the exchange of words... I thought TV broadcasts implemented a delay in broadcast to catch unwanted and unscripted acts, but they showed it all. And then decide to retract or censor the incident after the fact.

Everyone benefitted from this incident. The Oscars, the actors, the producers, the sponsors, and there really was no harm committed. You know what they say. No publicity is bad publicity.
The audio was cut on the live US broadcast for about 20 seconds because of rules about profanity. The full audio version you've seen come from Japan or other countries. Considering the Academy is talking about punishing Will for breaching their code of conduct I continue to think it was Not set up in advance. Sources have said Rock's joke was not part of his planned and practiced material.
I don't think it was staged because:

1. If staged why on earth would Smith scream the F-BOMB twice?
2. It appears that the slap has damaged Smith's brand.
3. Why laugh at the joke then lose one's temper? Smith is an actor. Who, prey tell, wrote the script? Laugh, then slap, then drop the F-BOMB twice. It doesn't make sense.

As far as bringing race into the discussion, CPF is not the place to discuss such matters. Nevertheless, Oprah Winfrey, a member of the Academy, stated they (the Academy) did not want to remove a Black man from the building moments before he was to receive his award.
This has been gone over a 1000 times. It was real. There talking about banning will. He is right now up there with Putin in popularity and the night was ruined for all. Watch the video in slow motion. You can see he did slap him and slap him hard.Got to hand it to Will though, I mean sticking up for someone else's women like that 😂😂😂
Just my opinion here, but I think this was all staged. As someone pointed out, Chris Rock stuck his face out. Will Smith slapped it, but Chris didn't seem phased by it. He didn't even move an inch from where he was standing. I have no doubt contact was made but very minimal. And then the exchange of words... I thought TV broadcasts implemented a delay in broadcast to catch unwanted and unscripted acts, but they showed it all. And then decide to retract or censor the incident after the fact.

Everyone benefitted from this incident. The Oscars, the actors, the producers, the sponsors, and there really was no harm committed. You know what they say. No publicity is bad publicity.
Plus don't forget the fact Rock did not file charges.. Remember what happened to the other bad actor Smolett.. Making false statements to authorities has legal consequences
I guess my lack of faith in Hollywood is preventing me from believing in anything that comes from them. I guess we'll see what "punishment" will be given by the Academy and whether it does anything to Will Smith's career.
Bruce Willis is asking the same question 🤔
Bruce is asking "Hoop tis Smil Wif?" :cool:

Seriously, I wish Bruce the best. WS, actually I wish him well also. I think his life is probably in turmoil and has been for a while. Though I still am not convinced this was not staged.