Just bought a seoul U-bin on a star for direct insert into a light that currently has a pooey reflector in it. Is there a cheap DX or Kai optic giving a fairly throwy beam which can mount directly on the star?
Well, as you've had no suggestions (suprising) I figured I'd at least throw this out there - although the odds of this fitting your light are probably zero. Maybe you could rig something, I don't have any experience with builds so I'm just shooting in the dark.
Anyway, its a great optic IMO (I own a P4 U-bin modded Striker that uses it), cheap, and works perfectly with the SSC P4 - lots of throw, substantial hotspot and a bit of spill that's just enough to see where you're walking in most cases: http://ledlogic.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=30
Unfortunately, LEDLogic is a company that seems to have been left in the dust. I could give you dimensions if you're interested.