Best small one or two cell incan?


Newly Enlightened
Apr 10, 2007
What I would like is the brightest/longest running small incan out there. Preferably AA or AAA for single cell but I'm open to 123 options for two cell as a last resort.

Is there anything better (in the unatainable 3 of small, birght, long run) than say an E1e/E2e with a LF lamp? Even better if it can be AA or AAA single...

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Re: Best single cell incan?


Ideally both primary and rechargeable capable. I am very underwhelmed by the run times in that chart...if this is the best you can get out of incans maybe what I want doesnt exist. I know LED specs have spoiled me.

Ideally something like this: Over one hour run, over 100 lumens, single cell AA, AAA or 123.
Re: Best single cell incan?

sejvaar said:
Ideally something like this: Over one hour run, over 100 lumens, single cell AA, AAA or 123.
There's nothing like this available. If you want something this bright, you'll have to settle for lower runtime. If you want longer runtime, you'll have to settle for lower brightness. If you want both 100+ lumens and >1 hr runtime, you'll need to go for multiple cells.
Re: Best single cell incan?

Oh sorry I see you are new here, That kind of technolgy doesn't even exist with the latest LEDs. And the LED's blow incandescents out of the water.

I think the $440 TiPD with a Seoul P4 LED gets ~80 real lumens for one hr out of a CR123.
Re: Best single cell incan?

I have a modded 1x123 LED enroute that is spec'd to run 150 lumens for an hour at least so maybe I was expecting too much out of an ican.

What is the brightest longest 2 cell combo then...some sort of E2E build? The chart referenced above makes the incan runtimes look horribly low...if 20-30 min bright is the best out there I guess I will skip the incan idea.

Sejvar, if you are looking at E2E size, how about something running an 18650? Combined with a Lumens Factory EO4 you get 150 bulb lumens for 65 minutes. Single cell solution too :)
incan is not as efficient, but the quality of the light is better for outdoor situations, it works better with the eye to render depth perception and color.
That is why we incan lovers sacrifice runtime, to get a pocketable torch, that has incandecent lighting quality, combined with stunning output. You can always carry more cells or more lights for runtime.

brightest/longest running small incan out there.
a very common quote around here is:
1. bright
2. small
3. long runtime
"choose any 2"
and that's the truth, especially with incans...

but I would like to remind you, that a li-ion incandecent light, gives more useful output through the runtime than something like an alkaline flashlight. If you are familiar with the way a maglight or similar "alkaline" powered light does. It gives a nice output for about 10 minutes then after the first 30-40 minutes is about 50% output, then gives another 10 hours of so of steadily dimming sickly output. Lithium powered flashlights deliver all their oomf in the first hour more steadily.

grab something like a G2, (nice and compact 2 cell light), drop in a pair of RCR123s from AW, and run a LF SR-9. runtime will be about 30+ minutes, but it would be really decently bright (trust me, it's really impressive for it's size).
GlenC I have browsed for 18650 lights like you mentioned. Can the E2e or C2 Surefires take this battery as long as the bulb voltage matches? 18650 is the same size as 2x 123s right? Do all 2x 123 lights accept an 18650?
sejvaar said:
Can the E2e or C2 Surefires take this battery as long as the bulb voltage matches? 18650 is the same size as 2x 123s right? Do all 2x 123 lights accept an 18650?
No, to all three questions. An 18650 is 18.3-18.4mm in diameter and 64.9-65.1mm long. A CR123A is 16mm in diameter and 32mm long. The nominal voltage of an 18650 is 3.6. The nominal voltage for two CR123As is 6. You can't just replace two CR123As with an 18650.
surefire tubes will fit 17mm cells, but not 18mm cells... the compatibility chart shows what fits where. have a look.
Sejvaar, as stated, no is the answer. It is mainly the newer designs which can take 18 series cells, Surefire fit 17 series cells which have about 25-30% less capacity.
I usually carry either the Surefire A2 or the McLux PD-S. Neither is designed to have extreme output (about 60-70 lumens, I estimate), but I make use of my lights all the time, especially when I wander around outside late at night. You would be surprised with how little light can be adequate, and how much light 60 lumens is.

My recommendation to you is to get the Surefire E2e, or better yet, the Surefire A2. The A2 will run for a very long time on the LEDs and for about an hour on the incan with a single set of batteries. if I went with an E2e what would be the BEST setup for it? Also if I got an E1e...what is the best you could do with that? I have been tossing around the C2 as well because bigger reflector/longer throw but not sure. I know it's pretty easy to drop in an LED to the C2 as well if I ever wanted whereas I haven't seen an E2e drop in (doesnt mean it isnt out there) and I am not too impressed with the E sized LED complete heads. I wish there was a great incan using 1x123 or 1xAA...maybe some day.
Sejvaar, maybe specify what is most important rather than 'best', I doubt two people on this forum could agree on the best anything, everyone has their own needs. :) Going from your original post, a E2E with Lumens Factory lamp EO-E1R and a 17670 will give you 90 lumens for 70 minutes.
Glen C said:
Sejvaar, maybe specify what is most important rather than 'best', I doubt two people on this forum could agree on the best anything, everyone has their own needs. :) Going from your original post, a E2E with Lumens Factory lamp EO-E1R and a 17670 will give you 90 lumens for 70 minutes.
Or any of the P60 type lights, with a HO-4 and a 17670. That would be 150 lumens for 65min (claimed, real lumens and runtime may be different.)
The E series from SF isn't quite as friendly when it comes time to play with different configurations. There's a lot more bulb options for lights that take "D26" style lamps, like the C2, 6P, G2, Wolf-eyes 6 series, etc etc etc.
Why not guide him to the Wolf Eyes flashlights that will accept 18650 batteries. Glen C know more on this so I am hoping he will fill you in.
Glen C said:
Sejvaar, maybe specify what is most important rather than 'best', I doubt two people on this forum could agree on the best anything, everyone has their own needs. :) Going from your original post, a E2E with Lumens Factory lamp EO-E1R and a 17670 will give you 90 lumens for 70 minutes.

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