Got a few 64458 and 64623 bulbs in the mail today. Installed AW's soft-start switch, charged up the four 26500's breaking in a new 64623 and... got a wall of light. All spill no beam at all. Then I remembered AW included those little washer for something. I had installed the two deep brass washers on each side for the 1274's and left it at that for the 1274. So out comes the switch and removed the two brass washers. Better.
But these are not the killer spots I was trying for. (I had been hoping to bubble Scott's vinyl-siding across our cul-de-sac, lol.)
I got KD's reflectors here, from smooth to peeled, small openings and big openings. His version 3.1 reflectors are coming in the mail, but not the right opening size for these bigger bulbs.
So what kind of reflectors do you use with your 2D-mag/2x26700's/5761 and your 4C-mag/4x26500's/soft-start/64623?
I can only imagine what contortions will be required to get our coming 4Dmag/5x26500's/soft-start/64458 focused into a useful beam. Great light though... and now I know what you have been saying about the head getting hot fast..
But these are not the killer spots I was trying for. (I had been hoping to bubble Scott's vinyl-siding across our cul-de-sac, lol.)
I got KD's reflectors here, from smooth to peeled, small openings and big openings. His version 3.1 reflectors are coming in the mail, but not the right opening size for these bigger bulbs.
So what kind of reflectors do you use with your 2D-mag/2x26700's/5761 and your 4C-mag/4x26500's/soft-start/64623?
I can only imagine what contortions will be required to get our coming 4Dmag/5x26500's/soft-start/64458 focused into a useful beam. Great light though... and now I know what you have been saying about the head getting hot fast..