(for most readers just skip to the last sentence)
270winchester said:
wait a minute, so your whole issue is that you might, let me get this straight, "lose" it?....
why buy a BMW, period, LOL... no cup holders!!!
The BMW can be insured against damages, can be protected and insured against theft with security and tracking devices. It may be comfortable, but it is a perfect example of a product that costs a boat load more than the competition, but does not come with a guarantee of reliability that is substantially greater than any other vehicle. Instead, it comes with a higher initial cost of ownership, followed by a higher average cost of operating and repairing. Economically speaking, a BMW is a poor choice in transportation. Doesn't compare to a Surefire, that like yall are saying, can technically be the BETTER choice for some people economically speaking. (1 G2 instead of replacing a maxfire 3 times, for example).
Portable "equipment/tools" are different... getting insurance on portable tools is rarely worth the price of the insurance (it's steep).
some of us don't want to tie ourselves to our gear. I don't want 3 lanyards hooked up to my portable lights. But I would rather have 2 maxfires than 1 G2, because between the 2, There's less likelihood of total failure and more flashlights to play with. (less likelihood that BOTH maxfires would fail me than for 1 G2 to fail me in a given circumstance)
at this point it feels like you are looking for anything in what I say to just have something to work with. doesn't matter if I say the sun is hot or cold at this point, you'd say it's warm and that I am wrong. hehe... I'm just calling it like I see it here man. A lot of people worship the stuff they own, and the companies that make that stuff, lots of CPFers are SureFire Worshipers, and that's very apparent to me. I thought Blind faith was supposed to be reserved for religious activities. lol (I don't have blind faith in anything) You had a loaded statement so I'm giving ya what ya wanted here!
Carrot you are correct that Surefire replaced a P91 for me when it burned out prematurely, I appreciate their excellent warranty and CALLED upon it because I had paid a premium for it ... For the price of 1 P91, I could have bought as many as 10 alternative 26mm style lamps. HOWEVER, they are the only manufacture of such a high power bulb in a D26 assembly, so that's a simple choice for me.(they are offering a product that I want enough to pay that price for, fair deal)
Please don't try to say that since Surefire invented the tactical lamp assembly they deserve the purchase, they did not invent reflectors, light bulbs, springs, or plastic molding methods, there were plenty of similar integral bulbs and reflectors on the market prior to SureFire. They just took pre-existing parts and concepts and put together a simple design)....I've torn apart some SureFire lamps and seen no evidence that they are of premium quality. (in fact, I see less overall build quality when compared to Wolf-Eyes, LumensFactory, and Pila lamps, which all are built primarily out of metal, while the SF has more plastic composite parts) So the big price I paid, was for American workers and a warranty.... which is fine by me... I am happy with my purchase.
BTW: The replaced P91 has busted again... the springs kept compressing more and more and wouldn't make contact anymore, so I had to stretch them again,.... but they broke right off the assembly in the process.... I can fix it with a soldering iron so it's no big deal... I have had better luck stretching springs on lamps made by other manufactures without breakage... (the need to be stretched is not specific to the SF lamp, I have to do this to most of my lamps at some point to keep em working right)...
Does any of this matter? nope.