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Sold/Expired Bi-Focal M*g Reflector By FiveMega (2)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 28, 2003
(CLOSED) Bi-Focal M*g Reflector By FiveMega (2)

(C L O S E D)

(C L O S E D)

(C L O S E D)



Please Read Completly Before Attempt to Pay

No reservation please.

Hi folks,
Here is another interesting creation from FiveMega, rather than copying and stealing others idea.
These new aluminum reflectors have two different parabolas CNC machined from one piece aluminum bar.
Small parabola is deep shape on lower side of reflector to remove artifacts and upper side (next to bezel) has standard shape of parabola to provide maximum throw. Focal point of both parabolas are set to same point and that's where your fillament must be for optimal focus.
Combination of these two parabolas makes almost artifact free, batwing free, nice usefull spill and excellent throw.
Since purpose of these reflectors are for throw, coating texture is very light or almost SMO
Cam is removeable so you can remove it for camless action or simply screw it in for cammed action just like stock.
You also have choice to purchase reflector without cam for camless use only.
Bulb opening is 8.5mm for maximum reflection and can be used with WA1185/1111, ROP Hi-Low, FM1909 and similar size bulbs.
You may have to enlarge opening for most Osram 50 or 100 watt bulbs such as 62138, 64623 and....
Will fit and work in M*g "D" size and M*g "C" size.
Will NOT fit M*gCharger.

$22 for 1 Camless 8.5mm Bi-Focal (NOT AVAILABLE)

$27 for 1 Cammed 8.5mm Bi-Focal (NOT AVAILABLE)

$40 for 2 Camless 8.5mm Bi-Focal (NOT AVAILABLE)

$50 for 2 Cammed 8.5mm Bi-Focal (NOT AVAILABLE)

$18 EACH for 3 or more Camless 8.5mm Bi-Focal (NOT AVAILABLE)

$23 EACH for 3 or more Cammed 8.5mm Bi-Focal (NOT AVAILABLE)
[size=+2]Please see:
Deep Reflectors here.
2.5" Throw Master here.
M*g "C" wide tail caps here.
G4 sockets SOLD OUT.
G5.3 ceramic sockets here.
G6.35 sockets here.
3, 6, 9 and 12AA battery holders here
4, 8, 12 and 16AA battery holders here
3x17670 battery holders here[/size]

$3 for first reflector, then add $0.50 for each additional reflector to 50 States.
$5 for first reflector, then add $0.75 for each additional reflector to international destination.
Please do NOT pay for unavailable items.
It is necessary to pick next available number, post detail of your order here and same information including your CPF handle in paypal note.
It is necessary to pick next available number, post detail of your order here and same information including your CPF handle in paypal note.
I will never figure out what for is payment and from whom without above information in Paypal note.
Do not PM these information. Just add in paypal note.
1) Ms. Hanes :paypal: for two Cammed 8.5mm Bi-Focal $50 plus $5.75 international shipping (50+5.75)=$55.75
2) Mr. Jones :paypal: for three Camless 8.5mm Bi-Focal $54 plus $6.5 international shipping (54+6.50)=$60.50
Paypal to: [size=+1]DO NOT PAY[/size]
Please PM me for other type of payment.

#201 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03112550000196291814
#202 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 KuanR paid shipped 03112550000196291807
#203 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 kicker9898 paid shipped 03112550000196291593
#204 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 kicker9898 paid shipped 03112550000196291593
#205 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 kcdunn1 paid shipped 03112550000196289842
#206 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03113260000161316921
#207 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03113260000161316921
#208 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03113260000161316921
#209 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03113260000161316921
#210 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03113260000161316921
#211 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03113260000161316921
#212 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 y0urm0msname paid shipped 03113260000161340711
#213 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 wannabe333 paid shipped LC485383998US
#214 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 wannabe333 paid shipped LC485383998US
#215 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 wannabe333 paid shipped LC485383998US
#216 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 lemlux paid shipped 03112550000058001537
#217 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 lemlux paid shipped 03112550000058001537
#218 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 wrf paid shipped 23082940000002467913
#219 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 wrf paid shipped 23082940000002467913
#220 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 wrf paid shipped 23082940000002467913
#221 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 wrf paid shipped 23082940000002467913
#222 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 wrf paid shipped 23082940000002467913
#223 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 wrf paid shipped 23082940000002467913
#224 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 wrf paid shipped 23082940000002467913
#225 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 wrf paid shipped 23082940000002467913
#226 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 wrf paid shipped 23082940000002467913
#227 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 wrf paid shipped 23082940000002467913
#228 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 wrf paid shipped 23082940000002467913
#229 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 wrf paid shipped 23082940000002467913
#230 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 gVp paid shipped LC452889662US
#231 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 Admiralgrey paid shipped 03113260000160978250
#232 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 bxstylez paid shipped 03113260000160937042
#233 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 1pt21 paid shipped 03092880000111139118
#234 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 1pt21 paid shipped 03092880000111139118
#235 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $22 Eddie-M paid shipped 23082940000002482503
#236 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $20 thslw8jg paid shipped 03113260000160891863
#237 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $20 thslw8jg paid shipped 03113260000160891863
#238 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $20 kbark paid shipped 03113260000160891849
#239 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $20 kbark paid shipped 03113260000160891849
#240 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 1pt21 paid shipped 03113260000160891832
#241 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 1pt21 paid shipped 03113260000160891832
#242 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 1pt21 paid shipped 03113260000160891832
#243 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 1pt21 paid shipped 03113260000160891832
#244 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 The_Driver paid shipped LC740353835US

Please find link of my other products here and click on each link you are interested on.

(C L O S E D)

(C L O S E D)

(C L O S E D)

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#01 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 357mag1 paid shipped 23082180000028796680
#02 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 357mag1 paid shipped 23082180000028796680
#03 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 357mag1 paid shipped 23082180000028796680
#04 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 dannyk paid shipped LC547780033US
#05 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 dannyk paid shipped LC547780033US
#06 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $22 ProofTech paid shipped 03092880000117167207
#07 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 keith p paid shipped 03092880000117167146
#08 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $20 Billy Ram paid shipped 03092880000117167191
#09 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $20 Billy Ram paid shipped 03092880000117167191
#10 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $18 Iliger paid shipped LC547780081US
#11 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $18 Iliger paid shipped LC547780081US
#12 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $18 Iliger paid shipped LC547780081US

#14 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 WHT_GE8 paid shipped 03092880000117167214
#15 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 mitro paid shipped 03092880000117167177
#16 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 mitro paid shipped 03092880000117167177
#17 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 Roland paid shipped LC547780104US
#18 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $18 donn_ paid shipped 03092880000117167276
#19 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $18 donn_ paid shipped 03092880000117167276
#20 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $18 donn_ paid shipped 03092880000117167276
#21 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 LJUPCO paid shipped LC547780095US
#22 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 FBsLights paid shipped 03092880000117169355
#23 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $22 atolchev paid shipped LC547780121US
#24 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 novice MO received shipped 03092880000117158502
#25 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 Battery Guy paid shipped 23082180000028880204
#26 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 Battery Guy paid shipped 23082180000028880204
#27 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 Battery Guy paid shipped 23082180000028880204
#28 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 Battery Guy paid shipped 23082180000028880204
#29 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $22 FBsLights paid shipped 03092880000117169355
#30 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 LIGHTfiend1 paid shipped 03092880000111129379
#31 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $22 treadmarks paid shipped 03092880000111100927
#32 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $18 nailbender paid shipped 03092880000117158496
#33 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $18 nailbender paid shipped 03092880000117158496
#34 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $18 nailbender paid shipped 03092880000117158496
#35 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $22 danjoo paid shipped LC547780705US
#36 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 Bob96 paid shipped 23080440000026159970
#37 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $22 jdriller paid shipped 03092880000117152920
#38 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $22 jdriller paid shipped 03092880000117152920
#39 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $22 flashfiend paid shipped 03092880000111125227
#40 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $22 mrartillery paid shipped 03092880000111135202
#41 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 357mag1 paid shipped 03092880000117159707
#42 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 357mag1 paid shipped 03092880000117159707
#43 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 slikstuf shipped 03092880000111126996
#44 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $18 Iliger paid shipped LC547780634US
#45 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $18 Iliger paid shipped LC547780634US
#46 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $18 Iliger paid shipped LC547780634US
#47 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 matt_o paid shipped 03092880000111144167
#48 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 jcvjcvjcvjcv paid shipped LC547780603US
#49 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $22 Swagg paid shipped 03092880000111149520
#50 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $22 choppers paid shipped 03092880000109956666
#51 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 Darien paid shipped 03092880000111149544
#52 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 Not So Bright paid shipped 03092880000111149537
#53 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 RKE paid shipped LC547780532US
#54 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 RKE paid shipped LC547780532US
#55 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 RKE paid shipped LC547780532US
#56 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 RKE paid shipped LC547780532US
#57 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $22 Nuclear Cowboy paid shipped 03092880000109953351
#58 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $22 nighttrails paid shipped 03092880000109953368
#59 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $18 donn_ paid shipped 03092880000109968256
#60 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $18 donn_ paid shipped 03092880000109968256
#61 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $18 donn_ paid shipped 03092880000109968256
#62 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 MidwestJPS paid shipped 03092880000109968188
#63 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 frettedfive paid shipped 03092880000109968201
#64 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 frettedfive paid shipped 03092880000109968201
#65 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 my_gentle_cry paid shipped CP364530525US
#66 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 my_gentle_cry paid shipped CP364530525US
#67 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 my_gentle_cry paid shipped CP364530525US
#68 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 my_gentle_cry paid shipped CP364530525US
#69 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 UberLumens paid shipped 03092880000109968966
#70 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 UberLumens paid shipped 03092880000109968966
#71 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $22 choppers paid shipped 03092880000117166026
#72 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 Hack On Wheels paid shipped LC547780311US
#73 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 Hack On Wheels paid shipped LC547780311US
#74 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 electromage paid shipped 030928800001099691847
#75 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 sterr11 paid shipped 03092880000110404804
#76 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $20 Billy Ram paid shipped 03092880000109971928
#77 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $20 Billy Ram paid shipped 03092880000109971928
#78 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 jackolantern paid shipped 03092880000110413745
#79 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 jackolantern paid shipped 03092880000110413745
#80 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 alpg88 paid shipped 03092880000110413752
#81 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $22 UberLumens paid shipped 03092880000110413776
#82 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 Battery Guy paid shipped 03092880000109957151
#83 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 Battery Guy paid shipped 03092880000109957151
#84 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 Battery Guy paid shipped 03092880000109957151
#85 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 Battery Guy paid shipped 03092880000109957151
#86 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 Battery Guy paid shipped 03092880000109957151
#87 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $18 Rich-K-E paid shipped LC547780223US
#88 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $18 Rich-K-E paid shipped LC547780223US
#89 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $18 Rich-K-E paid shipped LC547780223US
#90 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $18 Rich-K-E paid shipped LC547780223US
#91 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $18 sterr11 MO received shipped 03090330000023785447
#92 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $18 sterr11 MO received shipped 03090330000023785447
#93 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $18 sterr11 MO received shipped 03090330000023785447
#94 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $22 hoongern paid shipped 03092880000110414636
#95 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 ronncat paid shipped 03092880000110422778
#96 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 ronncat paid shipped 03092880000110422778
#97 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $20 bigchelis paid shipped 03092880000110422761
#98 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $20 bigchelis paid shipped 03092880000110422761
#99 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $20 Bob96 paid shipped
#100 Bi-Focal cam less M*g reflector $20 Bob96 paid shipped
#101 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $22 atolchev paid shipped LC547817590US
#102 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 my_gentle_cry paid shipped LC547811209US
#103 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 my_gentle_cry paid shipped LC547811209US
#104 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 my_gentle_cry paid shipped LC547811209US
#105 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 my_gentle_cry paid shipped LC547811209US
#106 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 my_gentle_cry paid shipped LC547811209US
#107 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 my_gentle_cry paid shipped LC547811209US
#108 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $22 Rich K paid shipped LC547817895US
#109 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $22 atolchev paid shipped LC547817665US
#110 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $22 Bob96 paid shipped 23082180000028869070
#111 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $22 Bob96 paid shipped 23082180000028869070
#112 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 Alex Cas paid shipped LC547810999US
#113 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 Alex Cas paid shipped LC547810999US
#114 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $23 Alex Cas paid shipped LC547810999US
#115 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 JeMar paid shipped 03080730000166833057
#116 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 win734440 paid shipped 03101230000057516479
#117 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 win734440 paid shipped 03101230000057516479
#118 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 bigthrow paid shipped LC547811243US
#119 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 Jimed315 paid shipped 03101230000057970011
#120 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 Jimed315 paid shipped 03101230000057970011
#121 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 ak645 paid shipped 03101230000057970066
#122 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 win734440 paid shipped 03101230000057970981
#123 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 win734440 paid shipped 03101230000057970981
#124 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 zumac99 paid shipped LC547811141US
#125 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 cache529 paid shipped 03101230000057505336
#126 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 LightJunk paid shipped 23082180000028856933
#127 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 LightJunk paid shipped 23082180000028856933
#128 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 paulsl paid shipped 03103490000027799721
#129 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 paulsl paid shipped 03103490000027799721
#130 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $22 tjhabak paid shipped 03103490000027799738
#131 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 retino paid shipped 03103490000027790353
#132 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 retino paid shipped 03103490000027790353
#133 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 jaguar1974 paid shippe LC523680150US
#134 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 Mr Excitement paid shipped LC547987165US
#135 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 Mr Excitement paid shipped LC547987165US
#136 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 Robocop paid shipped 03110240000234055240
#137 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 xml paid shipped 03103490000026448675
#138 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 Quest4fire paid shipped shipped 03103490000026504807
#139 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 Xuen7, paid shipped LC548066897US
#140 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 Xuen7, paid shipped LC548066897US
#141 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $22 dizhu paid shipped 03103490000026504845
#142 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 mwb01 paid shipped 03103490000027878136
#143 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 xml paid shipped 03103490000027878143
#144 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 gatorgofer paid shipped 03103490000027883932
#145 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $20 Stephen Wallace paid shipped LC548067075US
#146 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $20 Stephen Wallace paid shipped LC548067075US
#147 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 BreathingMeat paid shipped 03103490000027897144
#148 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 Rickenbackerman paid shipped 03110240000020047879
#149 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 Btwigg90 paid shipped 03110240000019875599
#150 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 Btwigg90 paid shipped 03110240000019875599
#151 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 mattevt paid shipped 03110240000019875605
#152 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 UnderTheWeepingMoon paid shipped LC548067226US
#153 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 jaybiz32 paid shipped 03110240000020049644
#154 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 jaybiz32 paid shipped 03110240000020049644
#155 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 Lightdadark paid shipped 03110240000020049651
#156 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 mckeand13 paid shipped 03110240000020049668
#157 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 pmandca6664 paid shipped LC548067265US
#158 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 pmandca6664 paid shipped LC548067265US
#159 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 Sebastianzon paid shipped 03103490000027994331
#160 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 Sebastianzon paid shipped 03103490000027994331
#161 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 hotwiremod paid shipped LC548063723US
#162 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 miss breezy paid shipped 03110240000019943090
#163 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 miss breezy paid shipped 03110240000019937655
#164 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 Rees paid shipped 03110240000019938416
#165 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 xs6463 paid shipped LC548063785US
#166 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03103490000199331491
#167 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03103490000199331491
#168 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03103490000199331491
#169 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03103490000199357002
#170 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03103490000199357002
#171 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03103490000199357002
#172 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03103490000199357002
#173 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03103490000199357002
#174 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03103490000199357002
#175 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 din107 paid shipped LC542768236US
#176 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 StudFreeman paid shipped 03103490000199357033
#177 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03103490000199357521
#178 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03103490000199357521
#179 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03103490000199357521
#180 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03103490000199357521
#181 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03103490000199357521
#182 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03103490000199357521
#183 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $27 H$25 samo paidotWire paid shipped 03103490000199366646
#184 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 samo paid shipped LC452764061US
#185 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 samo paid shipped LC452764061US
#186 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03103490000199596869
#187 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03103490000199596869
#188 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03103490000199596869
#189 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 thundertree paid shipped 03103490000199604427
#190 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 thundertree paid shipped 03103490000199604427
#191 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03103490000199382547
#192 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03103490000199382547
#193 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03103490000199382547
#194 Bi-Foca camlessl M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03103490000199382547
#195 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $22 Amandrew paid shipped 03103490000199394342
#196 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 sergey paid shipped LC452768355US
#197 Bi-Focal cammed M*g reflector $25 sergey paid shipped LC452768355US
#198 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $22 Nightman paid shipped LC452768369US
#199 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03112550000196291814
#200 Bi-Focal camless M*g reflector $18 juancho paid shipped 03112550000196291814
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Very cool! How does the throw/spill/artifacts compare to the Ver2 Deep Reflector (VLOP and SMO) and the 2.5" Throwmaster (VLOP)?
Very cool! How does the throw/spill/artifacts compare to the Ver2 Deep Reflector (VLOP and SMO) and the 2.5" Throwmaster (VLOP)?
Each of mentioned reflectors may have different throw/spill/artifact with different bulb.

Beam shape is product of reflector shape, reflector size, reflector texture and bulb fillament shape/size.

In general, more reflective surface will result more light reflection which can be acchived by either deeper parabola or larger in diameter such as 2.5" Throw Master and that's why when it comes to throw, nothing gets close to 2.5" Throw Master.
Hi Fivemega, excellent stuff, quick question, how do I consolidate my orders, I would like to get this along with some of your battery holders plus other goodies in your other threads? thanks in advance! :D
Hi Fivemega, excellent stuff, quick question, how do I consolidate my orders, I would like to get this along with some of your battery holders plus other goodies in your other threads? thanks in advance! :D
PM me detail of items you want and I will calculate combined shipping cost to your country.
I will take 3 of the reflectors cammed.
01,02, and 03.
$23 each - $69
Shipping - $4
Total - $73
Included $3 for CC charge.
New Total - $76
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:paypal: for consolidated order...

One 9aa to 3D $39X1 = $39
One G4 bi pin SS socket $17X1 = $17
One Mineral Glass lens $2.5X1 = $2.5
One Bi Pin WA 1185 $6X3 = $18
Two cammed 8.5mm bi-focal reflector $50
One extra Cam $5X1 = $5
International shipping $10

Total $141.50

:paypal: from F. Medina for one Cammed 8.5mm Bi-Focal reflector. $27 + $3 shipping = $30.00
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#17 :paypal:
Cammed 8.5mm Bi-Focal $27 plus $5 international shipping (27+5)=$32
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#21 Cammed 8.5mm Bi-Focal $27 plus $5 international shipping =$32
shipment received, thank you.
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#18 Bi-Focal Camless M*g reflector
#19 Bi-Focal
Camless M*g reflector
#20 Bi-Focal
Camless M*g reflector

$54 + $4.50 conus shipping.



Any way to used this design in larger reflectors, like the FM3's? :devil:
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:paypal: for consolidated order...

One 9aa to 3D $39X1 = $39
One G4 bi pin SS socket $17X1 = $17
One Mineral Glass lens $2.5X1 = $2.5
One Bi Pin WA 1185 $6X3 = $18
Two cammed 8.5mm bi-focal reflector $50
One extra Cam $5X1 = $5
International shipping $10

Total $141.50


Hi, sent you PM regards PP. paid in 2 separate payments on 29 May 2010 of $112.5 + $29 = $141.5 (I did send you a pm about consolidated shipment earlier) apologies for the inconvenience, I mis calculated....:eek: