Biggest Power budget light


Newly Enlightened
Aug 17, 2009
I'm looking for the brightest light i can get with $100 budget. Top of my list atm is a 5*XP-G build using DX parts, comes out to $70.



a DD sst-90 using the torchlight host and imr 26650, it'll be within budget and should be a nice light.

I'd like some other suggestions/modifications.
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I know nothing about building a light, good luck btw, but sounds like a neat project. This is just an educated guess really, but I would think since you are still under budget you should try finding some better drivers from somewhere besides DX, Im betting theres arent great. That would probably be the best way to get the most out of your DIY project.
i found a few suitable drivers, the blue shark, maxflex v5A and the DX driver i listed. however i dont have experience using any of them and the cost to replace one if i fry it is not cheap. which is why im leaning towards the cheap driver.
i was thinking about that r2 dropin but im looking for something brighter, either 5*xp-g, sst-90 or something else im not aware of.