Camping Lantern maker Favour goes CREE XR-E


Feb 18, 2004
Oregon- United States of America
Another flashlight maker switches to CREE:

"Cree power LEDs bring a whole new level of quality light to our practical, general-purpose personal lighting devices," said Shiu Shing, Favour Light managing director. "We can now provide our customers with extremely bright LED-based products at reasonable prices."

"Cree, Inc.'s new XLamp XR-E power LEDs have been chosen by Favour Light Enterprise Limited, one of the world's largest flashlight makers for its innovative LED camping lanterns"
Favour Light aka Nuwai? I've seen their models being pretty much interchanged.

I would love a Nuwai Q3 / Big Q3 with a cree, even a 4watt ver @ 200lm =)
Shing Fung Metalworks is the actual factory that makes Nuwai and other brand flashlights (eGear, LEDWAVE, etc). Nuwai is a trade company like eGear, LEDWAVE.
That's right Matt, but the Q3 isn't made by Favour Light.

Anyway it's a good step for Favour Light to move to XR-E's instead of Luxeon K2's.
I spotted this news on "FlashlightNews" a week or so back and tried to find a US based dealer for the lanterns. No luck. Anyone know of a US dealer? Thanks.
It's pretty recent news. I'd expect eGear might be one of their early customers simply because eGear does a lot of lanterns.
I wonder if the Cree XRE is going to be the cheap LED's we see in department store lights in the future and the Lumileds new LED will be the more expensive one?