Can I sand the surface of an mcpcb for soldering?


Newly Enlightened
Apr 1, 2009
Is it possible to sand/scrape/cut the surface of an mcpcb to reveal the electrical trace so that I can solder to it?
Is it possible to sand/scrape/cut the surface of an mcpcb to reveal the electrical trace so that I can solder to it?
I would say yes, if there was a circuit trace under perhaps some green coating used to protect the traces I have done this several times, even cut through traces to interrupt circuits with a knife
what is the LED? there are soem liek the XR-E that you can solder on them....

do I guess correctly that you have either lifted off the solderpad or you have to file down the pcb well after the pad?
If you're working with rebels, all I can tell you is that they're a pain to solder to. Use TINY wires, the traces are very weak.
Just use the tip of an x-acto. Make sure not to cut through the trace, though, or you might short it to the isolated aluminum core.
I had "good" luck melting the isolation with my soldering iron in my "limp wristing soldering" days....