Can someone check out my home page?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 7, 2002
Granville, Ohio
Dear all,
I just made updates to my home page, and since some people have told me there were problems, I'd love it if a few kind souls could take the time to look it over, to see if there are any glitches. You can see it here.

For what it's worth, it works for me!
Hey Chroma - RE: mollusks and the like, where are the best/largest oysters found in the world?

And RE: gemstones, do you have an Onyx?
I'm getting a dark blue background with black text which is a little difficult to read.
It looks fine to me. I'm using Mac OS X and the new Apple Safari browser. It also looks OK with OmniWeb, Mozilla, and Internet Explorer on the same Mac OS X system.

I am also using the Safari Browser. What's your opinion of the browser. It really seems to be a lot faster than IE or Netscape or any of the other browsers that I have used.
I like it!
Ditto on the black-on-dark blue being hard to read. Turn that text the other way up - white or light blue, etc, and it`ll be fine.

A suggestion from an amateur web designer if I may:
How`s about sticking a few <font face=...> tags in there too so it doesn`t display in the default? Makes it look so much more proffessional. I`d reccomend Arial or Verdana as they are nice and easy to read too, and everyone has them on their machines.

Wow, lots of MacOSX folks here
I've also been using Safari since about 20 min after Steve announced it when it finally showed up on their servers. So far I've only run up against one site that it didn't display properly, but I've found a LOT of sites where the javascript or stylesheet confused OmniWeb that work just fine in Safari.

Though I've not been hooked by it myself, the complaint I hear most from other folks is about the tabbed browsing and I also agree about the popups. Filtering the automatic ones and yet allowing then on a click is a nice feature of OmniWeb.

Oh, and back on topic, your site looks fine here on Safari. The background is dark though, you should bump it up a notch, or bump it down a notch and make your text white. Macs generally have a higher gamma than PC's so if you're getting info that it's too dark for Mac folks then it's really too dark for PC folks.
Yup....a little too hard to read. The light blue text is fine, but not the black.
The webpage looks fine, and both links on the main page work fine.

Here's a link to a screenshot of it as seen using the Chimera browser under Mac OS X: webpage (88k)

(With safari I miss tabs, control of pop-ups in a useful manner, and have run into problems with it not accepting known-good cookies from some sites that Mozilla, iCab, MSIE, and Netsape accept. I'm ready for the next iteration of it already ... )


Ignore my comment about the font face thing, I looked at Tomas`s screen grab, then at your source and see it`s already there.

Don`t recognise "Skia", guess that`s a Mac thing cos it isn`t one of the ones you`ll stumble into under Windows/MS Office/etc, unless you`ve bought a 5000-Fonts CD or it comes with a less common program. Nice though.

Perhaps offer an alternative - <font face="Skia, Verdana"> so if the viewer has your font of choice on their machine, it`ll display as intended. If they don`t, they`ll get Verdana instead, which is similar and very common. It`s on just about all Windows and Mac machines. Can`t speak for Linux but I wouldn`t have thought they go without.

Thanks! This is just what I hoped for; I've made some updates to the page. How does it look now? And, Onyx, I'll dig through my library in search of info on oysters. I'll get back to you privately. Unless everyone else want to know as well.

The change is excellent, James - makes the visibility / readability much better.

Chris, Verdana and Arial are MS fonts that come with MS products (such as MSIE, etc.)

If no MS products have been on a machine (yes, there ARE people who don't use Windows) there is a chance that those fonts won't be available. 4 of my machines do not have them.

Usually they are paired with Helvetica, since that is the closest general system match to the specific MS supplied fonts.

James, one must be cautious using fonts on-line since if you don't include a similar font from each major OS, the text will display as the default the user has chosen, and sometimes that's not pretty ...

There are three main sets of fonts that can be used and those are the serif (times roman, etc.) sans-serif (helvetica, arial), and generally a monospaced typeface like courier / new courier.

Using others makes the chance of the end user not having it much higher, and then dropping to the default ...

Take care,

Originally posted by Chromatophile:
Oh yeah, I forgot. I also use a Mac OS X.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">That's probably why us Mac guys thought it looked OK since it was pointed out earlier that PC's display stuff a bit darker.

I think Safari is pretty fast as well. It seems to be able to display a lot of pages that OmniWeb has problems with. I haven't tried any of my bill paying sites yet, those usually have the most problems. I noticed that Omni Group is going to incorporate the Safari engine in it's next major upgrade. It's pretty darn good for a beta version. I have been browsing the web since the beta of NCSA Mosaic, the father of all web browsers. There are 3 things missing that I use a lot:

1. Tabbed browsing
2. I want all the bookmarks from the menu
3. The ability to separately stop unclicked popups. The current mode blocks all popups including when you click on a link.

Thanks for the pointers Tomas, I`m afraid I`m a slave to M$ currently, and have no experience with non-windows computers. I`ll have to remember to add a Helvetica / generic "sans-serif" to my font tags. I`ll play wiht Linux some day (maybe Mac stuff too), but not right now as I`ve little time to learn a new OS.

You another who despizes the horrid Times that, for some reason, software developers seem to set as the default on everything, and then users forget, can`t be bothered to, or do not know how to, change to something nicer? Honestly, why chooze a 250 year old newspaper print for their cutting edge software. But don`t get me started on that.....


Back on-topic, James, your page looks great now!