
Newly Enlightened
Dec 2, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area
Hey Folks,

I have another question for yall.

I recently purchased the Terralux 300M drop-in for a 4D cell Mag-Lite.

It is blazing bright, but sloppy as heck. (But that's cool, as I only wanted it to read the address plates on houses from my vehicle - which it does nicely). But now I'm curious...

Is there a cap, an elongated bezel ring, a drop-in, or some type of modification, that would enable me to add a deep reflector into the light to make it a "thrower"?

If I could somehow "deepen" the reflector," I am assuming that it will throw much better.

I know, I know...there are THREE bulbs in there, and a reflector will never be able to focus the beam.

But I bet with it's stated 600 lumens (I thinks it's lower than that), a deeper reflector will make a very noticeable difference.

Just curious.


In Christ: Raymond
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You could try to do some sort of aspherical mod, but I doubt that would work well with 3 LEDs. The only way I can think of doing that is getting 3 maglites and taping them together. A better throwing light would also need a wider reflector (I think), and there isn't room for that.

MAYBE you could get 3 smaller lenses and do some sort of triple aspheric mod.
Do you want it to still fit in the maglite, or are you talking about a huge reflector with the 3 LEDs at the bottom (like a normal LED + reflector setup, only scaled larger)? Maybe you could find a a very large reflector and widen the hole, but I doubt the it would be focused correectly for 3 LEDs.
Yea...what "Mjolnir" said.

If it fits in the head, that'll be great. And if the head is a bit larger, that's cool as well. It's gonna be a trasher light anyways, sitting on the floor between the driver and passenge seats.

In Christ: Raymond
Do the lenses/reflectors of the terralux focus the light a lot? if you DO manage to find a reflector, I think you would have to remove those, since they would make most of the light miss the reflector. Then it would end up sort of like a multi die LED like a p7 or MCE. However, I don't think you can expect much throw from that, since the LEDs are so far apart.
Because the TLE-300 uses collimator lenses, you wouldn't get any advantage from using a standard parabolic reflector around the drop-in itself; nearly all of the light of the TerraLUX goes straight forward.

Just yank the TLE-300 and replace it with a throw-oriented drop-in/mod.
Thanks, yall.

It was a long shot, but I thought it was worth giving it a try.

Like I said before, the Terralux 300M casts a sloppy light, but it's bright as heck and it does the job.

In Christ: Raymond
My 4 d with tle-300 throws like crazy. However,it is definitely not a white-wall hunters light. I find its at its best for medium to long ranges.