Can you please tell me whats wrong with this Picture (GE commercial during Olympics)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 22, 2006
Dulles VA
So I am watching the Olympics on NBC, and a commercial comes on for GE. It is a montage of people getting their mouths looked at, aided by tongue depressors and a whole slew of Flashlights. Well, near the end of the commercial, one of the scenes caught my attention... Take a look:



I think you can watch it from the GE website ---> Here
Its the movie titled :Say Ahh (look around 30 Seconds into it)

Update: Shameless Fail-blog Attempt
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Somebody definitely lost their job on that one... Ouch... It's not like it was shot live, so any mistakes should have been figured out, and fixed...
Good Catch !


Sorta' gives a whole new meaning to the expression

-- Backlight --


PS: i'd be greatly surprised if anyone lost their Job over that. :sigh:
Now that was really stupid. Maybe they tried it with the light on, couldn't get the balance right, and figured no one would notice it this way. Little did they know.

What flashlight is that anyway?

It looks just like a Fenix LD20. LD20 has a lot of great features, but having the light come out the tailcap is not one of them...unlike that special one that GE got for their ad.

It looks just like a Fenix LD20. LD20 has a lot of great features, but having the light come out the tailcap is not one of them...unlike that special one that GE got for their ad.


So that's what "reverse clicky" means! :nana: