Can you spell showoff?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 26, 2004
Buenos Aires / Argentina (I like ribs)
A couple of months ago I decided to sell my beloved 7x14 mini-lathe because since I have the CNC one it only collected dust.
In anticipation of the sale I made a chinese tooling purchase (photo below)
Last week I sold the mini-lathe at the leading local auction site for around $790 (about the same I paid for it 5 years ago when I personally imported it from China)
So to finalize my shopping spree I purchased an industrial vacuum (specs here) to give my small vacuum the much needed rest :)

Couple of photos:


Checked the mics against a friend mitutoyos and they read ok, I don't expect to be the same after a lot of use, but I don't use mics a lot not I make pieces that need the precision, I just wanted to have mics :)

Most of the other stuff is unused yet.

Im happy :)

Does the vac work well? Specifically, does the hose get all clogged up with the longer chips?

So far so good, I vacuumed a small work and tried to clean the table, stopped after vacuuming a couple of tools I had around the table :D
The tube is around 40mm wide (one inch and a half) I guess long chips would bend then be sucked. Will post results.
